Bloodlines and TOEE have been fanmodpatched again, and this time they do it the same time, meaning less work for me, thank you fanmodpatchers! <br> <br><b>Changes made to Bloodlines:</b><blockquote>All dialogues matched to speech and fixed thoroughly by RobinHood70. <br>Repaired a lot of lines that were not audible to female characters. <br>Removed Empire key after use and continued standardizing many names. <br>Made Prince react to Persuasion for money when sending you to Ming. <br>Restored additional lines of Jack, Imalia, Ming-Xiao and the cabbie. <br>Fixed money bugs with Bill, Hatter, Heather, Misti and prostitutes. <br>Made Empire clerk bisexual, responding to Seduction from either sex. <br>Restored Ventrue specific Prince dialogue and more cut extra lines. <br>Removed an exploit with Copper and fixed Jeanette taking your knife. <br>Restored unused Nosferatu and Malkavian lines of Tseng and Wong Ho. <br>Fixed possibility of Beckett not talking on return from the Society. <br>Corrected bug caused by 1.9 corruption that broke Chinatown quests. <br>Restored feeding on rats that would not work for some people in 1.9. <br>Lessened MAC-10 kickback on firing with increasing firearms skills. <br>Moved dance spot at club Confession because of the cross-zoom error. <br>Made crossbow bolts purchasable sooner and added a doll easter egg. <br>Provided baseball bat and tire iron to anyone skipping the tutorial. <br>Corrected Hitman quest rewards and added peace-talk lines for both. <br>Fixed problems with morphine quest and more after angering Mercurio. <br>Cut exclamation of Nadia that was audible when she was not present. <br>Removed the annoying sidetable in Gary's lair and hid two map holes. <br>Changed wrong status display for the power of pump 118a in warrens.</blockquote>Too much text, won't even pretend I've read it. <br> <br><b>And to TOEE:</b><blockquote>It contains all previous Co8 releases, moebius2778's temple.dll fixes, Livonya's 1.5.1, ShiningTed's 1.2.1 (including Playful NPCs and Desperate Housewives - the latter is optional), and Allyx's ShopMap V2 (also optional). <br> <br>The list of things added/fixed since Co8 3.04 would be much too long to post here, so here's the gist of it: <br> <br>- dozens (if not hundreds) of bugs fixed <br>- lots of craftable items added <br>- new armour & clothing <br>- new weapons <br>- new quests <br>- new encounters <br>- new dialog <br>- new stores <br>- new locations <br>- new spells <br>- new music/sounds <br>- improved enemy AI <br><b>- possibility to use more than 5 PCs</b> <br>- level cap can be set to any number from 1-20 <br>- customisable starting equipment <br>- now with Agetian's ToEE Front-End <br> <br>Prerequisites for the mod pack: <br>Before installing the mod pack, you MUST install Atari's official ToEE patch 2, available here: <br> <br>Atari's ToEE patch 2 includes all the fixes from patch 1; therefore installing patch 1 is usually not required. However, there have been reports from people who could not install patch 2 without installing patch 1 first. If you experience the same problem, install patch 1, then patch 2. Patch 1 is available here: <br> <br>You SHOULD NOT install Atari's patch 3. If you have installed patch 3 already and want to get rid of it, just install patch 2 on top of it. <br> <br>Microsoft .NET framework 1.1 is required if you install Agetian's ToEE Front-End. Get it here:</blockquote>This fanmodpatch actually sounds good! <br><b>Spotted @ <a href="">RPG Codex (the Bloodlines part of this news item)</a> and <a href="">The Official TOEE forum hosted by Atari (the TOEE part of this news item)</a>.</b> <br> <br>EDIT: Just noticed the TOEE stuff was two months old, but nevermind it still sounds cool! <br> <br>EDIT2: Noticed I forgot the links to downloadplaces, but that's your problem, not mine.
Go here: Scroll down to the bottom, download "TOEE_USA_ANY-PATCH2.EXE"