A while back there was a discussion about the Island of Cattan and what it would be like. Well, here you go. See for yourself good people. This should show that, yes, my PC was there. http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o314/rroyo/Cattan01.jpg The boat landing. I did extend the shoreline just a touch, otherwise the island will remain pristine for the time being. http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o314/rroyo/Cattan02a.jpg The terrain you see is typical of the island. It's the same as you would find at Roseborough. And random encounters do exist there. http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o314/rroyo/Cattan03.jpg
Yeah, it's a simple teleport link from Dernholm to the island using the dinghy as a prop. In case you hadn't heard, I'm trying my hand at making an Arcanum hack.
That is awesome! What else is happening there as an unmodified island? But, you know what you could put there...a town of demons.
The manual mentions Cattanese bananas in the halfling cake recipe. So you have to mod in a village of banana-farming halflings to make me happy! Don't tell me I'm the only one to have actually baked the stuff in the Troika manuals? The ToEE cookies are AWESOME!
Well to make it complete it needs Geoffrey's holiday resort. DE I remember you saying you made that stuff, never got around to it myself.
Somewhere along the way, I plan to put a pair of small cities and at least two plantations on the island. Think: Carribean island. Geoffrey Tarellond-Ashe mentioned he spent summers off the coast of Cattan, so one of the towns will be the rich man's city of Monaco. That will be on the south-west coast. The info about the Cattanese bananas gives me something to try for when I do build the plantations. Thanks. Edit: Good news - World Ed has a tree that is close enough to pass for a banana plant.
It's part of the same build, but the vacuum idea is dead. It became this instead: Arcanum to Void Interface Version 6. http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o314/rroyo/Void01.jpg Anytime I get frustrated with something, I go tinker with something else. Cattan was one of those somethings.
I am just curious.. Apart from teleportation mentioned above, are there any alternatives getting my character to the Cattan island?
It's nice. Remember though, all ingredients are in arcane measurements like cups and such, meaning you'll have to look up what a cup translates to in the metric system instead of just taking one out of the cupboard and hope for the best. On my first try to make the banana cake I had to bake it in the oven for 30 minutes more than required, and it still had the texture of phlegm, albeit tasty phlegm.