I read in the forums where to find Virgil (sobbing onion) and went to have a look... then I read something about probable bugs and patching first ... And now, after the patch Virgil isn't there anymore... leaving and reentering the basement doesn't help either... what to do?
Have you let at least one full day pass from the time you left T'sen Ang and when you get to Caladon? Once in a while I had the same glitch occure if I teleported to town before 24 hours had passed. FYI: It normally takes almost that long to get away from the no-TP zone, but not quite....
yes, I let pass even more than a week for sure And he can't be in T'sen Ang since he was already in the basement BEFORE I installed this stupid patch :-? Then I loaded again and he was gone.
I see, so Zen Virgil (The replacment Virgil pre patch) had already been activated? Well I'm afraid hes gone then, you tend to get problems like this when you install the patch mid game.
Zen Virgil doesn't exist in the post patch version? You either get surly virgil or original virgil leveling scheme?
Nooo... By patching in the middle like that you caused a glitch. Now that you are patched, do yourself a favor and start over.
You keep the Virgil from the start of the game, but he switches over to the Zen Virgil leveling scheme.
But you installed the patch mid game, this means that all the save games you already had are susecptible to glitches. Start over and he'll be there next time.
He is activated the instant he leaves the party. With the patch, when he leaves the party he is teleported to the basement. Without the patch, old Virgil is switched off and a new replacement Virgil in the basement is switched on.