I recently made a charged ring and when I equiped it I didn't recieve the +2 dex I'm supposed to get, it just stayed at 13......I'm 25% tech aptitude. The only thing weird I'm using is a custom background. Any reasons why I would not be getting the +2 dex bonus? Thanks in advance.
Now I just did the Torg Altar offering thing and it says I recieved the blessing, but I didn't get the +1 constitution........I'm wondering if it's the custom background I made for myself at the beginnging of the game or what? This is quite annoying.
It might be the custom background. What are the specs of said background, and what are the stats of your current character? By the way, welcome to Terra Arcanum. Follow the rules of posting and don't take certain things seriously. Also, don't double post; One of the rules. Well, you can KINDOF double post, should the span of time between the posts be sufficient, and the said post is on-topic.
Yeah, I probably should have just edited the first post, heh. Guess I'm just tired, it's like 1:30am for me. I also just did got to Tarant and tried to use the Smoking Jacket and it doesn't look like I'm getting my +20 reaction either. I have a feeling these problems are all liked because they are similar in nature. I followed the instructions on this .txt file here to create my own version of the "filthy thief" background. The backgrnd.mes file relating to the specific background I'm using looks like this: Code: {40}{1004} {41}{90} {42}{HUM HUF ELM ELF HEM HEF HOM HOF} {43}{3000} {44}{13061 8053 8056 8071 6051 8281 8287 8280 8286} And the linked effect.mes looks like this: Code: {90}{st +2, dx +4, in -3, pe +1, ch -5, melee +3, pickpocket +6, picklock +6} // Filthy Thief I know this is sorta complicated, but I'd rather not have to start all over again, even though I'm using a sort of cheap background. Again, any help would be apprecaited. Thanks! EDIT: Yes, I patched before I did anything.
It's around 3 am for me.... What's your race? Also, have you made sure your character's stats match up with the background? I had the same sort of trouble with my Juggernaut background, but I'll have to wait on solving that (my old computer died and I never back anything up). Anyway, it may just be a simple glitch that prevents you from obtaining these bonuses from blessings and/or equipped items. I think what you may end up doing is starting a game with a new character and a stock background (keep your special character, though), and testing the items on the new character. If you still have a problem, the items just don't work the way they should. If not, you'll know it was either the background, or you just need to reload fom an earlier save. Sometimes, saving and reloading can solve your problems quite handily.
I'm playing a human male. I managed to get all of the stat additions working from the background right away after some syntax fixing, but it did take a few tries. I'm still able to increase stats by manual character point placement, but the "passive" green number increases aren't working. Reloading/saving/etc. didn't work either. I'll try your suggestion and whip up a new char quick and see if it's still non-functional (easiest to test by getting that reaction dress on a chick right off the bat, I suppose). Otherwise I might have to reinstall or start over, because playing handicapped like that is no fun! Thanks for the advice, by the way. EDIT: Looks like the increases are busted even for characters with no background. I'm going to reinstall as soon as I figure out what files I need to keep for my saves and such. Ah well!
Sorry that was the case. All of your save data is easy to find...though I can't say exactly where it is, due to the fact that I just got a new computer sans arcanum. But, I digress. The game is quite buggy, but not without its shining moments. Once you get all of the kinks worked out, you should have one hell of an awesome week (or less) ahead of you.
It's supposed to have a bonus to your dex score, and it always worked that way in my game (provided I did not already have a dexterity of 20)
I think it depends on whether you are playing Car Arcanum (CA) or Vanilla Arcanum (VA). CA I noticed that it boosts your speed, VA they are much better (to the point of being must haves for melee techs) and boost your Dex. That said I am finding playing tech in CA more rewarding then it was in VA.
Yeah, I was unable to make the custom backgrounds work so I had to use one of the pre-fab ones. In my normal, un-altered Arcanum game, the rings increase your dex by 2 per ring, which is pretty awesome.