OK this is my problem. I am raising my Charisma so I can have max followers and the such. I'm also raising tech and guns so I put some points into those when I SHOULD have put it in Charisma. ANYWAY. I booted Virgil off my team so I could get Gar because he rules, c'mon! GAR! Anway I also wanted to keep Virgil so I booted Virgil for Gar... After a level up I put a point into Charisma and so I went to get Virgil back... Now he is gone and nowhere to be found? Where does he go if you boot him off your team? I've tried the crash site. I want Virgil because he has a say in the plot with Elder J guy he talks about. Please help! :cry:
I thought I told you before he often doesn't default back to the crash site and instead simply disappears. If he hasn't gone back there you can't get him.
Oh btw, I found Virgil. He was in Shrouded Hills little north of the bridge out of town. If you just take the path you won't see him. I walked a little north for a root for potions and saw him. So he joined me in the same state that I had him leave. Oh well. Another place to find Virgil :lol:
That's pretty interesting. After I've kicked Virgil (a total of two times), I've never found him. I'll have to check the spot you mentioned, McKedy!
It's north of the bridge BEFORE you leave town along the stream, if that makes sense. And not very far north either. About 2-5 seconds north. Hope that helps
Well thats the third possibility then, Crash Site, SH Bridge and I once found him standing by the bar in the Sobbing Onion in Caladon.