I'm running WinXP SP2. When I run Arcanum install, I choose where to install the game, and then starts to install. The problem is, the installer isn't shown, and the only way I know it's installing is that my CD-ROM light is on, and the chosen directory is filling up with files. However, once that first CD installs, the installation seems to quit, and the chosen directory is deleted. I haven't found any information on this anywhere. Please help!
That's a wierd thing to happen alright... Do you have two monitors or a tv connected ? Have you tried alt-tab'ing into the install after it disappeared ? Maybe copy the CDs to HDD and instal from there. I remember being able to copy the files manually out of the *.cab files from under total commander. If that dosen't work, you should look for cab extraction tools, just make sure to get it for the right kind of cab. There are the win98-like that extract easily and a couple generations of installer cabinets, that aren't really supposed to be extracted that easily. If you manage to get the files out, you should be fine, arcanum dosen't seem to need any special instalation procedures to work.
I've tried the other suggestions you mentioned, except for manually extracting the CABs. I'm trying that now. Does anyone have a list of the file/folder structure? As far as I can tell, the CABs don't store that information.
Well, when I had Arcanum illeg... I mean, borrowed from a friend, I copied all the installation files to a folder on the hdd, and installed from there. The present "version" doesn't show any problems at installing.
You should be able to extract the CABs with the directory structure, if you're using a command line program, try the /? option and look for a appropriate switch. I remember being able to do that quite easily by simply opening the cab files under TC. Try with winzip/rar/ace, maybe some of these will manage.
I ended up watching where the files were installed before they were erased, and then placed the files back manually from the folders on the CD and the CAB files (and then hypothesized where the files from CD2 went). To my amazement, it seemed to have worked. I'm going to playtest further to make sure, though. Thanks for the help!
Now thats really grand. I've been searching the net thin for a sollution to this problem. It seems a lot of poeple is suffering from the glitch in the winXP installer. Of all the other places i've encountered people having this problem this is the first place i've seen somone actually getting the game to work. I cant figure out where to put all the content of the cab-files and the stuff from the play disc. If somone could write a little guide about it or if someone could explain a little bit about how to get a cab extractor to place the files itself i would be really happy. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/arcanumo ... 1-28327231 Also if someone have a gamespot account they could help out these guys with the same problem.
Ahh got it to work.. Installed it at a another pc on the LAN and moved the folder to my PC.. Worked out fine though i'm sure there's still people out there who cant get it working.