Hello all! I've searched the forums for an answer to this, and couldn't find anything that made sense for a solution. Can anyone provide a layman's explanation? (Yes, I know us noob's keep asking the same stupid question, but fear not, I wont be last! (FAQ's work wonders)) I've tried downloading the Sinbad's Ship hack/mod and after installing it, I dont see any change. I've even tried installing just the ship hack and still no go. Where's a surly pirate supposed to stash his loot? If I try to launch it from the directory its created in using the shortcut, I get the infamous binkw32.dll gripe, and no, downloading the .dll doesn't fix it for me. Maybe someone could just add in the extra bits to the download? :-? Any help would be appreciated.
Simple stuff first: Is Arcanum installed in the default directory? Did the new files actually install to the Arcanum directory? Do you have other hacks installed?
Arcanum's in the default directory. When I first installed the hack, it went to the desktop, so I moved it in the \sierra\arcanum\modules directory and ran it there. No luck. Then I downloaded just the ship hack to check if the Sinbad mod was buggy, but got the same results.
I unpacked the hack myself and had a look at it. I was surprised to find that the readme didn't have explicit instructions for newbies. Here's what you need to know: Unpack the file. Move Arcanum.exe and Arcanum5.dat to the Arcanum folder. Drop Arcanum.Patch1 in the Arcanum\modules directory. Drop Proto and scr folders in the Arcanum\data directory. Do whatever you want with the Extras. You only need them if you want to remove the changes. If you have unsuccessfully installed 2 hacks I advise that you delete and install Arcanum fresh before you re-install the hack.
Yeah, I notice the readme was a little sparse. If it included an install guide it'd cut down on a lot of confusion. Well, I tried the steps you outlined, starting with a fresh install. Dropped the necessary files where they were supposed to go, and all seemed well. Launched the game, and when it gets to the movie with the zepplin crashing ... it literally crashes! Any suggestions?
Low and behold! I decided to heck with it, and reinstalled the game again, and this time patched it from the download on this page, vs the official one, and decided to play it as is. Now I've got a few hundred portraits to choose from, the chests that used to have just junk in them are yeilding an assortment of magical items, etc. It would seem that the hack/mod was written into the download? Didn't see anything in the description about it and the uninstaller had removed all the custom mods, etc.... Either way, it seems to be working now. The true test will be to see if I can stash loot in the ship and level up past 50. We shall see..... Anyway, thank you for your help with the hack. 8)
Don't know why it didn't work the first time but there you go. The vagaries of other people's mods. Of course mine never screw up...not ever...
ok so off the top of my head. After copying the mod to the right directory you need to delete the arcanum/modules/arcanum/maps directory (It's the directory with all the strangely coded names (It's actually dechipherable but who cares really). That directory will be regenerated upon the next start-up (starting the game up will take longer likely) Then it adds the ship mod into the active game. (Ps: There is no harm in deleting/emptying the maps dir with all the strangely coded names. As it will always regenerate upon the next startup unless it has all the files it expects.)
Hack and slack patching, turns updating software into an RPG! I dont know about deleting this, that, and the other, but the patch from this site has all the extras already in it, in a simple exe. Not sure if I like the whole update/mod though, it almost makes the game to easy! At level 15, my elite army is HARDCORE! Top of the line armor, terrifying weapons, and more cash than I know what to do with. And I'm still mucking around Tarant. Maybe I'll try just the ship mod next round using the tips you mentioned. It'd keep the game more balanced while still allowing me to haul around all my junk.
I know this may be grave digging, but since I don't visit the forums that often and this concerns MY hack, I'm going to address this for people who find it with a search since I had it referred to me in an email. First of all, if you would just READ the instructions in my installer, it would put the files in the right place and tell you what files you need to delete. My installer has all the information you need included right in it and it ASKS you for the proper installation directory. If you blindly hit <ENTER> when asked for an installation directory, you are NOT going to see any change because the files won't get put in your Sierra\Arcanum directory and they WON'T be available to do you any good. I tried very hard to make this as easy as possible for noobs, but I can't make anything totally idiot-proof -- no one can. If you insist on ignoring the instructions, then it is NOT my fault that it doesn't work! Second, if you would bother to check the posts following the hack, you would also find helpful information. http://www.terra-arcanum.com/phpBB/dload.php?action=file&file_id=42 Finally, I have posted my email address (check the link below my signature or see the link above) for people to send me questions about problems that they have with my hack and I am more than happy to answer those and will do anything I can to try to resolve them if I just get enough information to understand your problem. I really DO care about people enjoying my hack, so if you have problems, let me know and I'll try to help you resolve them, but please read the instructions first. This is NOT intended as a flame, so forgive me if it sounded like one.
You're alive! When I first got here I spent a lot of time trawling the archives for modding tips. I went through your posts as you were one of the main modders. You mentioned something about your health in one post and then you suddenly stopped posting. I know it probably sounds stupid but there you have it. So Asrudin turns up last week, you this week, perhaps Chris next week? As for your hack: I dumped it in a random folder because I didn't want it to interfere with my protos so that's why I never noticed it was fully self installing.
Nope, not true. I just tried it and the patch is no different. The thing is when you remove arcanum by its uninstall it only deletes what itself created, it doesn't know about what was added by the ship mod so those files remain. When you reinstalled the shipmod files were still there Perhaps this is the best way of going about it - installing the ship mod before insatlling arcanum
Seems I've woke the dead, and he's a little grumpy. I'll nix my current copy of arcanum and give it a go from the beginning, with the official vs the hack version of the patch. After all, I was after the ship mod in the first place. I'll check for leftover files as well.... BTW, I didn't have any readme files, etc in the original download, only the bit there on the download page. If there was posts listed afterword, I didn't see them. Live and learn. After reveiwing them, it makes more sense, especially about the 'helm of perception' thing. Is it still there? Regardless, thanks for clearing this up. I'll give it a GO according to these directions and see what happens.
OK, did you READ my post?? Delete the arcanum directory after you uninstall arcanum, then reinstall arcanum and use the patch on this site and tell me what you see