I left Sogg Mead Mug at the Sour Barnacle in Black Root when I offered to help Dante return to Dernholm. Now I've returned to Black Root, but Sogg isn't there. I'm guessing he just wandered off to another bar in another town, but I just want to be sure. This is my first time through the game, and I appreciate all the help you guys have been giving me so far. Thanks.
If he isn't at the Shrouded hills, reload your game or just wait like 5 days, and then go back to the Shrouded Hills. He definitely should be there after a certain point in time (although a bit angry at you).
No luck so far. I guess I'll just continue on doing quests and see if anything triggers his return. Otherwise, it's like he's disappeared off the face of the planet.
Followers have a wait tolerance which ranges from 15 minutes to forever. If they have a limited wait time then they will re-appear wherever you first met them. If you have high charisma / persuasion this can increase the wait time to forever. So don't ask them to wait in the wilderness or they may stand there forever and you'll never see them again.