The Muslim Nation is More Worthy Than All Others

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MichaelShukur, Dec 2, 2005.

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  1. MichaelShukur

    MichaelShukur New Member

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    Dec 2, 2005
    I am not surprised to see such arrogance from an american, english is all over the world because it's a simple and easy to learn language and also largely due to the british empire.American's only happen to speak the same language like any of the ex english colonies...
  2. Blinky969

    Blinky969 Active Member

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    Jul 8, 2003
    I'm surprised to see such arrogance from someone speaking the language.

    Americanized English and the Queen's English are growing more and more different. And as they grow more and more different, the rest of the world's English evolves in time with America, and not with England. British expressions don't travel very far. But American ones are known world wide. When I was learning French in school they taught us that 'cool,' 'super cool,' 'skateboard,' and a few other words are accepted French terms. They don't have such an acceptance of 'chap' and 'codger.'

    Also, American is ridiculously hard to learn, that's why it's so easy to pick out someone doesn't speak it as a primary language. Almost all of them get some of the same verb tenses wrong. You can learn specific passable English as easy as you learn any other language. But to actually learn the language proficiently is much more difficult than any other. And the reason that students in other countries are forced to learn it, starting some five or six years earlier than I had to learn a foreign language, is because they are almost guaranteed to be interacting with Americans at some point.

    We ARE the most powerful nation on Earth. You can say that we might not REMAIN in that position, but trying to say we don't own the title as of now is incorrect.
  3. Silvara

    Silvara New Member

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    Jul 20, 2003
    Um, sorry, but English isn't one of the most difficult languages. The problem with attaining a proficient level is that half of the vocabulary is borrowed from other languages and therefore a same sound can be written in many ways, and conversely a letter or word is not always pronounced the same way either. Or at least that's what I tend to have more problems with...
  4. Blinky969

    Blinky969 Active Member

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    Jul 8, 2003
    Yea... I know, and that's the problem everyone struggles on. That and the fact that our verb and plural exceptions are fucking ridiculous.

    What is the linguistic justification for why mice is mouse plural. Houses is the plural of house. Dice plural is die. Moose plural is moose, while goose plural is geese. How come meese isn't plural moose?
  5. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Hmmm, but the British Empire sure did it's part in the spread of the English language, don't you think? Australians and South Africans hardly speak English because America does, neither do India or Hong Kong.

    I also heard that some of the founding fathers thought that German should be the language of the United States, what with that being the Enlightenment and German being perceived as a very logical language. But nevermind. I was always under the impression that English was fairly easy to learn. Perhaps I was wrong and did some remarkable feat in learning it (as lacking of grace as it may be).
  6. mathboy

    mathboy New Member

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    Sep 3, 2003
    English is easy to learn because all fun things are made for people who speak English (except German porn).

    It also has an easy way to determine what you should use in front of a word (a if it begins with a consonant sound and an if it begins with a vowel one), they have removed the genders of words, while most other indo-european languages has two or three genders, one male, one female and some also one neutral words (Swedish for some reason has "en" before male and female and "ett" before the neutral words).

    To be good at English is hard, like most languages. But to be able to understand/be understood isn't.
  7. Blinky969

    Blinky969 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 8, 2003
    Many nations originally picked up English because of the British, and I'm sure some of them still learn it merely out of tradition. But almost every nation on Earth has, or would like to have, dealings with the U.S. And we speak English.
  8. Xz

    Xz Monkey Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    In norwegian (nynorsk) we have "Ein" before male, "Ei" before female and "Eit" before neutral.
  9. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    In the dialect spoken where I come from, you get "Ein/En", "A" and "Ä" before names and nouns depending on gender.
  10. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Christian live side by side with muslim in many nation of the middle east, it only a few Christian who are saying there is persution of Christian and the people who control the media in america which number 5 or 6 people buy into his to attack Islam , there are afew muslim that do harm christian and the government does take action against as does the muslim community.
    Most countries in the middle east donot have Islamist base law or government. The election in Egypt where phoney as the government use police to beat up people who where going to vote for the Muslim Brother.
    The question is why is the ruleing seclar party in Egypt is so unpoplar with they population of people. The Muslim Brother won 44 seat in the Partiament election up from 15. Where does tv get it supid talking head from, they where saying that the election in Iraq will end the insul inside of Iraq is more wishwill thinkly from the talking head.
  11. Blinky969

    Blinky969 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 8, 2003
  12. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

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    Jun 8, 2002
    I believe I've lost you a bit here. I do believe that also western people are prejudiced about the way things go in eastern countries such as the middle east... about just as much as some people with middle east backgrounds are prejudiced about... for instance... zionists... catholisism.. etc.
    I've stood in defense of both parties when it came to sorting out those (in my eyes) miss-communications and lack of internal knowledge.
    Corruption in the way you mention it through means of politics happens everywhere yes... and it's a sad thing. But overall... if you want to debate this, I'd sooner suggest a topic be made about corruption in high places all around the globe than post it here where it at first seems something that would contribute to the topic in question.

    Let me quote
    So far this still hasn't been proved and I believe I've so far made enough contribution to this thread to negate the whole matter as, once again, a display of lack of knowledge (from either side I'm sure... but right now coming from one side) about external issues (things like thinking the entire catholic church abuses young choir boys... :/).

    Charles, Michael. I have no doubt that your beliefs in your god Alah are sincere... but overall I feel that in order to be fully able to judge about different matters, you must have seen it upclose.

    I can say (for instance) right now that the entire American governement is corrupt or that they did in fact find nuclear weapons in Iraq and blabla.. blablabla.. blablablablabla...
    but quite frankly... I don't know for sure. And I'm very much convinced that we should all leave each other be and respect each other's choices and ways of life (even if they seem infidelic to you).
    Point is... I haven't personally investigated the corruption around the white house or read any official cia of fbi report about it.
    All we read are speculations, misinterpretations, loose sentences of a conversation that mean something completely different than what we make of it and last of all... gossip.

    We, as a people, as a race... should try NOT to believe every damn detail the newspaper provides us and take it in as true.
    Try to be more sceptical about things that are just a bit larger than we can comprehend. And try to be more open-minded towards each other.

    You're a muslim? I can understand that :)... and it's cool... I'm not though... I'm agnostic... bisexual and apparently goth :p ... hope you have equal respect for me as I have for you ;).
    Same goes for every patriotic americans on this board.
    Other people are not american enough for you? Well go suck up and wither away... otherwise... respect each other on a probationary basis... it'll turn out to be a relief ;).

  13. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    Well now, <i>that</i> isn't a cliched status. I'm straight, liberal, and religiously I believe in God, but don't think that the Christians, or <b>anyone else</b> has it right, and so I've chosen to just live the best life I can, and hope that I get something right. ^_^ This means that every Christian has damned me to hell, but oh well, I damn them right back... I don't mind Muslims who're a bit wacked out, but the ones I don't like're the ones like Michael who attempt to convert everyone. Everyone has their own believes, and whether or not they differ from your own isn't something you hold any right to insult or mock. I will confess I did just kinda violate that idealogy by mocking you for being aggy, bi, and gothic, but it was too good a chance to pass up, sorry. :p It'sn't anything against you, I just love to mock to people. :)
  14. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 8, 2002
    You may... I'm way too hard to offend anyway :p... ya little Imbecil de nocturne!
  15. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    idiot of the night? Carpe Noctem!
  16. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 8, 2002
    yes of course... if you make a joke about the term goth I'll happily apply the supplements you need...
    stereotypes are one of them... nocturne is one of those often used stereotypical terms if related to goth or alternative eh ;)

    Just feeding you material so I can enjoy the spectacle :D 8)

    (that AND I couldn't find the good word for 'Dark' at that time :p... but Imbicil and Fool are closely related enough don't you say :p)
  17. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    Actually, Dark Fool has nothing to do with gothism. Dark Fool is a physical embodiment of Bad Luck/Fate. Much as the Grim Reaper is a physical embodiment of Death. I suppose you could call that gothic in a way, but more my aim was to say that I'm this forum's Bad Luck. Oh, and Carpe Noctem is actually the chosen slogan of a group of me'n'my friends, all of whom are known for being up til midnight at least. It was originally taken from Dave Atell's Insomniac.
  18. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

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    Jun 8, 2002
    Strange way of linking Foolishness to Bad Luck though ;)... bad luck you don't choose... foolishness you often do and you can change that... bad luck is.... well... bad luck ;)... none of your influences caused that.

    Buuuuut of course let's not go into debating that cause we'll end up debating fate and shizz and I don't feel like wasting time on that on this forum :p
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