if i remember correctly there was a guy who made a world map and everything work in this game, would it be possible to make an arcanum mod but instead of the silly looking clumpy map, an accurate scale map of the british isles, with some of the major cities added and with a fair few more cities, how there was so few settlements in arcanum kinda pissed me off. but most importantly the story would have to have less holes that really pissed me off.
im still trying to work out how to use the world editor to export images to a set place, but after i work out the shades on the bitmap for terrain and work out the workings of the program, i can write a program to convert bitmap images to the world editor, and that would be most of the work done in a few hours. then you go over it, add a few cities here and there and then the programming would have to be done.
While you're at it why don't you just make a whole new version of the game? And if it's good enough, it might sell.
a program to convert bitmap images shouldn't be a problem and would take an hour maybe two to write, its just i haven't worked out the program yet, (mostly coz im really lazy and haven't got around to booting up in linux) i can make a bitmap of england with correct shadings for certain terrain in a few minutes, i think the programming of events and npc's etc would take far longer then this, oh and the making of the cities which i don't think i can import.
I take it you're from England? I don't know about everyone else, but I don't think I would want to play Arcanum like that. I would, however, like to play a version similar to the orginal but with a new storyline, updated graphics, and playable on a next gen console. In other words it would be too wierd to play it like your talking about. Anyway you might as well just make a totaly different game, cause it just wouldn't be Arcanum any more. But, you're the one that is going to be playing it, so if you can get it to work, go for it.
Ya know, I was gonna say: "what do you need consoles for? youve got a pc, dont ya?", but now im just gonna go play some FF VII on my playstation... playstation 1 that is...
I don't know, it would be too different. It wouldn't really be Arcanum. Maybe I've just played it too many times to accept it any other way.
Given that Arcanum is set in a steampunk setting meant to emulate Victorian England, I'd say go for it. It could be something like Lionheart, and while that game sucked for several reasons, alternate reality is, in my opinion, a theme the gaming industry could use a good bit more. Preferably, such a game (well, mod to be specific) should include popular characters of the time, such as Sherlock Holmes (I know he's a purely fictionate character, but in an alternate reality he needn't be).
Arcanum could only be Arcanum if it remained in the Arcanum world, yes. As a mod though, I think it's a good idea, though I can only imagine how much work there would be to actually create a whole new worldmap.
dessa...... you're either really cool or completely ignorant as to the marvellous piece of programming called WorldEd that you'll soon be familiarizing yourself with.