Detailed item stat list?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by TONGSyaBASS, May 27, 2005.

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    TONGSyaBASS Member

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    Apr 19, 2005
    I know Terra Arcanum has an item listing but it seems to use the ingame descriptions for the items. The trouble is the ingame descriptions for some items are frustratingly vague. They generally don't say how long an effect lasts, how much it increases a recovery rate, etc. (An example being the fortifier which doesn't even mention the penalty to health and fatigue when it wears off).
    Is there a more detailed list out there or is there a way for a novice to extract the stats from the game dat?

    On the topic of item stats, a specific question.
    Comparing the charged accelerator gun
    D: 1-15 FT:1-3 Rng: 15 ED: 10-10 Spd: 8 Bullets used per shot: 3
    with the rifled cannon
    D: 10-30 FT: 5-20 Rng: 15 Spd: 2 Bullets used per shot: 5
    They seem about equal, the charged gun perhaps having the edge.
    Is there an advantage to the cannon? The description mentions armour piercing so does the gun ignore armour protection or is the description just arcanum hyperbole? If it does bypass armour does it only work for worn armour or does it also work on beasts with a natural high AC?
  2. Demosthenes

    Demosthenes New Member

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    Oct 31, 2002
    Arcanum hyperbole I believe, it comes down to whether you like speed or high damage. Also if the enemies you're facing are resistant or immune to electrical damage.
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