Whenever I try to switch to this background while creating a new character, the game crashes. Gossiping Trickster From backgrnd.mes: {800}{1078} {801}{360} {802}{HUF ELF HEF HOF} {803}{300} {804}{} From effect.mes: {360}{maxfollowers +1, speed -1, st -2, in +2, wp +2, pe -1, ch -1, pickpocket -2, prowling -2, gambling -2} Story from gameback.mes is 1078. I have checked all {}'s, spaces, commas, and other format issues, and they appear to be in order. I had problems before with Dwarven Artist, the custom background preceding this one. I have tried recreating the files and editing already made custom background files, to no avail. Oddly enough, it worked before when I had no wp +2 but had a be+2. Given all this, what am I doing wrong, and how can I remedy this? I have searched for the solution and did not find a satisfactory one.
Huh, I guess no one knows how to fix my problem. By the way, I have also tried having fewer attribute parameters, to no avail.
I have found and fixed the problem! It appeared to be a text overflow situation or something of the sort.
That would explain some problems... You happen to know what the trigger of that text overflow is? Is there a character limit?