Why are rings for?I wear them and i didnt get any bonus? LOL If any1 can tell me something about it!!!
There are magickal and technological rings that give bonuses as well, but the regular rings you find are usually only there to be sold to gain money.
some rings is to be contributed to the halfling god of stealing,Bolo,the more precious,the better bless will be cast on u.charged rings(u make it up urself)can boost up ur speed(+1) arcanum ist wunderbar!lol even parallel with fallout
yeah, although some times they CAN help out your reaction modifier... when im in town, and not expecting battle, i tend to wear a good suit, and some finery... people do actually seem to react a lot better to me... although it isnt necessary charged ring is a learned skill, needs one Capacitor + a copper ring not to mention the ring from the start of the game that you are to research!!! the whole game is based on it... /tAK