Need tips on fighting

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Zhaker, Sep 24, 2001.

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  1. Zhaker

    Zhaker New Member

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    Sep 23, 2001
    I didnt really have trouble fighting, but it seems that my lvl 13 char can take on a lvl 15 thieving orc, for some apparent reason, they rarely miss, while me wearing theiving so how do I fight these cretins?

    Also, does encumberance affect fatigue?

  2. Ur'Daecoly

    Ur'Daecoly New Member

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    Sep 22, 2001
    Encumbrance does not affect fatigue in any way. It only affect your speed (real time) and the number of action point you have (turn based).
  3. mztr44

    mztr44 New Member

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    Sep 16, 2001
    There are a few different factors to consider when fighting. The most important would be your skill level that applies to what weapon you're using. If you're trying to use a sword with 0 points in melee its just not going to turn out well. :smile: Probably the second most important factor is lighting. If you're in a dark area, this can easily reduce your chance to hit by up to 30% depending on skill level and things like being apprentice or expert. If its dark, don't hesitate to switch out a shield for a lantern or electric light. If there are torches or something providing light in the area, keep close to those if you can. The third important thing can be the TYPE of weapon. Certain weapons have a better to hit chance than others for certain monsters. One good example I think is the nasty ore golem. Depending on your skill, you might have a 25% to hit with a sword, but an 85% to hit with an axe or hammer.

    Encumberance does have an effect on fatigue. At signficant encumberance I believe it says you get a fatigue penalty. Also, while in combat no matter your encumberance, if you run you will lose fatigue. You will also use up fatigue to do an action that you dont have enough action points to do in turn based mode.

    Unless you are absolutely against using ANY spells, learn the spell Agility of Fire, it is the first spell learned in the fire tier so it isn't a big investment for the amount of return. Unless you have extremely low intelligence, you should be able to have two of this spell running on your character for a huge increase to your dex which in turn increases your speed allowing for many attacks.
  4. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

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    Sep 14, 2001

    just max you dex. either way... if your theivnig... and solo... use turn based and backstab a lot... cause otherwise.. your gonna get owned.
  5. Frank

    Frank New Member

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    Sep 24, 2001
    A tip for melee/mages:

    Use the illuminate spell on yourself. It will work just like a lantern, lighting up the dungeon and negating darkness modifiers. The plus side is you can still use a shield, it weighs nothing, and you can maintain the spell indefinitely as the fatigue cost is very low.
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