Well... I started out a game as an evil half-ogre. Doing fairly well.... made it down to Caladon, got the mission to rescue Tollo. Figured I'd backup once I was finished, my last back-up was before the massacre at Stillwater. My weapon of choice? - The Scourge! So, I go through the Pit, get the map, and head up to Black Root. There I find I no longer have the Scourage, that I used fighting in the Pit. Conclusion - I lost it in the Pit! I have heard you can get in with an entrance... where's the enterance? I figure a trap or something must have knocked it out of my hand, and no followers have it....
If you are talking about the backdoor entrance, it does exist, but it is actually outside of town. Spoiler You have to follow the river northwest of Durnholm. It seems like you are never going to find it, but you will eventually find an entrance like the one to the elven tomb on the Morbihan Plains. That is the entrance to the Pits. It's a bit of a pain to find, but it is possible.