:-? Assistance needed Hey does anyone know how to edit prototypes or create them? Is there a program that I can use, which is not Dos based to create or edit prototypes? Help would be welcome.
Hello, anybody home. Yaaaaay I'm all alone. Seriously though I really need help, anybody, just anybody, I can't play my mod until everthings done. AAAAAAAHHH help me, help me i need help. PLEASE HELP, ANYBODY, HELP
DKoepp is the expert on prototype editing and he is currently working on a program that will do it, but I have no idea when he will be done with it. I've done a little bit with it and it is confusing. Each item type seems to have a different pattern that it follows in it's data pattern and within the item types there are variations depending on whether the item is magickal or not. Get the Arcanum Proto Docs that he and Otto Krupp put together on the subject from the Modding Resources section here at TA and they will help quite a bit. Unfortunately, there are still quite a few blank spots to be filled in. :/ Also, get a good hex editor. I personally use AXE and find it to be excellent. You can check it out at http://www.jbrowse.com/products/axe. This program has several nice features that I really like and that make identifying patterns easier. Being an old-time programmer and game hacker, I really value a high quality hex editor because nothing can make your life easier. (No, I do not have anything to do with this program except using it.)
With a Hex-Editor you can just search for the numbers you want to modify. E.g. if you want to change a weapon's damage from 5-25 to 10-30 you just have to find a 05 and a 19 and then write a 0A and a 1E for it. But you have to test it ingame or in WorldEd when there are more than only one of the Numbers you changed. (This becomes annoying if you want to change a 01 into something other) I always make it this way and i have never come into problems.