Chris, I love what you have done with the game. I am trying the approach of the Angel, which makes things even harder, but it is fun. I have gotten in a few fights with some folks and taken the spoils of the batle. It seems that, when I go to the shop keepers, they freak out and tell me that they don't buy stolen items, and their prices are sky high. What is the deal with the prices? :-?
You can put points in haggle. If prices in the normal traders that existed in arcanum are higher than normal then could you please tell me what is your beauty ? Prices are depended on beauty. If you took a background that decreases beauty or you are scarred then prices will go up. And yes i have put some traders with very expensive items that are much better than normal items. If you are talking about the random encounter merchants then yes they are very expensive but that is because they have the potential to sell some very cool items. P.S Haggle is much cooler now than it ever was in normal arcanum. And haggele pierces prices not just lowers them.
chris, I have no haggle, and I am looking at Loyd and Reitzze. My current beauty is 12. I chose the Ex-Angel background. I can see that there are a few things that are pricy. How do I get that much coin to purchase something? JD :rofl:
Well the usual method for getting coin is killing enemies and looting them then selling. However if you do not have the cash you might tryto "free" these items from their owners. I swear that reloading clears any criminal record that you might have.
Thanks, I am not sure if the criminal attribute is causing the higher prices. I am also not sure why they tell me I stole it. Maybe because I am a level 5 character and I had an item that would cost 20000 in a store. JD :-?
Well a quest flag did not exist in the editon. The stolen flag was the next best thing. I would not want you to be that rich at only level 5. Still later on it is possible that you could sell them (where can you sell stolen items ? and when people will actually trust you ?)
You could never steal items from gypsies it is the same with some of the new merchants i put ... otherwise justy access their chest. Some of the items that cannot be stolen from these merchants can be stolen elsewhere but you have to search ...
What is the best way to access the chests? I was trying to find Reitzze's or whatever his name is and you hid it...didn't you. :throwup:
This is something I'm having trouble with as well but in a different way. I recently discovered the thieves quests in shrouded hills and without posting spoilers, I can only say that I am able to find the ring and the diamond but can't locate the thing that belongs to owens and the other thing is in riettzes inventory and he won't sell it (although I suppose I could raise haggle but how thieflike would that be) and its not on his person so no pickpocket and the two chests I see in riettzes have nothing in them. These are the barrel in the front left and the dresser thing in the back next to the magic monkey which I also am not sure what the purpose of is since he never moves and doesn't have any inventory (or at least I can't pickpocket him)
The monkey protects ristezze inventory . Dometimes u cannot find the fourth item. It depends on choices.
protects what inventory the only thing in that chest is the map to tarant and the telegraph from shuyler & sons nothing else and the monkey doesn't mess with me when i go into it (course i filched the key) Still I can't find the stock that he shows when you ask him to barter. As for the other item would it be at owens house if it were there at all? The ogre and dog are there
wdygfy, The item is not in Owen's house. I have not found it eaither, but I stopped looking. I was playing with a hacked character, lvl 50 by the time that I got to Shroudded Hills, and as I walked in to talk to him, he dropped dead due to fear. Spoiler If you look on his person, he has a note describing what he wants to do in Shrouded Hills and were you can start looking for the saphire. I used the hacked guy. I like what Chris did and it is fun because you are almost invincible and you can go places that you never thought possible. :deadly: