Guys at RPGCodex interviewed Leonard Boyarsky on the subject of Vampire: Bloodlines. You can read it <a href="">here.</a> It consists of ten questions regarding various aspects of the game like combat, dialog, physics, character development and more. I especially liked what was said about dialog, as I tend to play diplomat characters. <br> <br><blockquote>10 In earlier Troika games dialogue checked for things like gender, race and skills. Can we expect the same for Bloodlines? For instance, will a Malkavian with a higher level of computers get other dialogue options when talking to a computer expert, than a Malkavian lacking the ability? <br> <br>Bloodlines dialogs check for gender, clan, feats, disciplines, and humanity level. In some instances things like computer ability may add more options/different branches into the dialogs, but for the most part we’ve concentrated on the above mentioned traits to determine dialog branching.</blockquote> <br> <br>Why does waiting have to be so hard? <br> <br>Source: <a href="">RPGCodex</a>
Maybe the only jiggly breasts are those of NPCs and so the player doesn't get to have a pair of jiggly breasts for themselves?