Maybe I'm a complete friggin' moron...

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Razorgrin, Sep 21, 2001.

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  1. Razorgrin

    Razorgrin New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 20, 2001
    ...but how the f*ck do I get out of the maze in Tulla? I accepted that student's quest to get some platinum chalice for him and hopped through the archway. I grabbed all the stuff from the two chests and tapped on the I'm in a room I can't get out of and when I touch the stone I get "[Nothing seems to be happening.]", or something to that effect. Help me. Really. I'm serious. Please.
  2. Tommyboy

    Tommyboy New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 11, 2001
    Here ya go...

    In the Tulla library, you find Herzok Munk. He asks you to retrieve the platinum chalic from Fa’al Kin’s Maze. This is a rather infuriating quest. It involves getting through a series of rooms by clicking on the stone in the middle of the room.
    The first room contains two chests with Fa’al Kin’s items (Ring, Necklace, Helmet, Boots, Gloves and Dagger).

    The second room is empty. To be able to leave you must be wearing Fa’al Kin’s ring (and none of his other items, but you can wear normal items)

    The third room is empty. To be able to leave you must be wearing Fa’al Kin’s Necklace (and none of his other items, but you can wear normal items)

    The fourth room is empty. To be able to leave you must be wearing Fa’al Kin’s Helmet (and none of his other items, but you can wear normal items)

    The fifth room is empty. To be able to leave you must be wearing Fa’al Kin’s Boots (and none of his other items, but you can wear normal items)

    The sixth room is empty. To be able to leave you must be wearing Fa’al Kin’s Gloves (and none of his other items, but you can wear normal items)

    The seventh room is empty. To be able to leave you must be wearing Fa’al Kin’s Dagger (and none of his other items, but you can wear normal items)

    The eighth room is empty. To be able to leave you must be all Fa’al Kin’s items.
    Finally, you find Fa’al Kin’s platinum chalice on the floor in the ninth room, to exit you must be wearing none of Fa’al Kin’s items.

    Returning to Herzok, he will give you a scroll of Phantasmal Fiend.
  3. Razorgrin

    Razorgrin New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 20, 2001
    Have I ever told you how much I love you? Thank you very much. Very frustrating.
  4. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
    This, by far, is the most detailed information I found. :smile:
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