Protest to Proposial by Tarant Paralement!!!

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Forum' started by gustavef, May 9, 2001.

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  1. gustavef

    gustavef New Member

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    May 8, 2001
    The Tarant Lawmakers are debating a resolution to strike down existing regulation on the wage allotments. This would be a travisty for all workers.

    Currently the law states that workers in Tarants Factories must earn 1 Shilling for a days worth of Labour. Which is in it of itself not enough for anyone to raise a family. Let alone that currently a "days labour" is not even defined. Some Factory owners get around this by saying a days labour is 24 hours of work. But it seems that this is too much for them.

    We can not let this bill pass, and plunge our brothers in more dispare.

    I beseech you to contact your MP and request that he strike down this resolution. As it is bad for our Fair City.

    -gustavef, Orcish Labour Union -- Tarant Local 5
  2. gridflay

    gridflay New Member

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    May 8, 2001
    This resolution *must* pass if we are to protect the decent folk from the rabble.
    If the owner of a factory allows his *workers* to define fair wages, such an owner should then be driven to the poorhouse!
    We cannot expect the working classes to understand the subtle nuances of commerce and economics- if they knew much of such matters, they would not be workers, now would they?
    This is akin to that scandalous bit of nonsense concerning "equal rights" in the matter of property ownership! of course such things are "unequal"- else who would the workers work for?
    This is a simple case of simple folk not knowing just how good they have it. If they grate so awfully under a system which grants them the fruits of employment- then let them seek employment elsewhere.
    Orcish Unions, indeed.

    The Honorable Gridflay, 3rd Earl of New Avalon

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: gridflay on 2001-05-09 00:02 ]</font>
  3. Flipz

    Flipz New Member

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    May 9, 2001
    People, here me! I have seen the wreckage that such resolutions can wreak! I have come from a neighboring region where such things were put in place. I watched as all my kind and many others were forced to work 18 hours days for nothing! My sisters kids had to go to work at age 8 in order for the family to live!. I hope that the city of Tarant is not such a cruel place as that which I have left. It brings tears to my eyes to see kids working in a factory when they should be in the playing in the sunlight.

    I ask that all people of any heart and morals cast their vote against this Resolution!

    Flipz, Immigrant.
  4. gridflay

    gridflay New Member

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    May 8, 2001
    See here, vagrant- this city has little use for those who would survive on the charity of others!
    Those who earn their livelihood through a strong back and strong arms should be grateful for the understanding of the propertied classes. It is we who provide the means of your survival- where would a strong back get you if not for the risks taken and capital provided by your betters?
    A roof, a meal, and a blanket- why should you deserve more than you have earned? It is the businessman who has built his enterprise- is it right to deprive him of his just desserts?
    The resolution must pass. It is the only fair-minded solution. If every business is led to ruin, imagine the hardships that would avail!

    The Honorable Gridflay, 3rd Earl of New Avalon

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: gridflay on 2001-05-09 02:32 ]</font>
  5. Oyarsa

    Oyarsa New Member

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    Apr 20, 2001
    I say! Will this new regulation be applied to field labour beyond the walls of Tarant or only to the city proper and its industrial quarter?
  6. gridflay

    gridflay New Member

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    May 8, 2001
    An interesting and considered question, good sir.
    It most certainly should apply to the agricultural sector. There can be no question that the trade in meats of the field is indistinguishable from the trade of finished goods from the factories of the city.
    Of course, it may in reality be more difficult a matter to extend the reach of Tarant's civilizing moderation, given the troubles of late, but surely when the outlying landowners see the profit to be had in fair-minded and even-keeled legislation they will hew ever more closely to the city's ideal.
  7. stravaig

    stravaig New Member

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    May 10, 2001
    wakka wakka wakka!

    Labour is a resource, a commodity if you will, like any other, be it raw materials or real estate. The price of any resource should be dictated strictly by supply and demand, not by reactionary lawmakers!

    My Dear Brother Gustavef,
    I wholeheartedly support the Orc's right to form a non-compulsory union, and to use collective bargaining power to secure a fair wage, based upon the laws of supply and demand. I cannot support a law that in any way restricts either party, be it the workers or the factory owners, to a predetermined price. Such predetermination is made by lawmakers with little to no true understanding of the market, and cannot take into account fluctuations and natural movement within the market.
    I say put the power to determine the price in the hands of those affected by it: the workers and the owners. Get the lawmakers out of the equation.
    I am backing this resolution, but I am also backing legislation which would remove unreasonable restrictions on the Labour Union's ability to negotiate through collective bargaining, including existing restriction's on the Orc's right to gather and demonstrate peacefully.

    Hamilton Demry, Esq.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: stravaig on 2001-07-16 15:45 ]</font>
  8. Oyarsa

    Oyarsa New Member

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    Apr 20, 2001
    Ah. Supply and Demand. An interesting concept to bring up.

    Those of you who dwell in Tarant have every reason to be concerned with the effects of legislation within your city. A pity too few of you look beyond those walls to other matters also of direct concern to your welfare.

    Are you aware of the current labour shortage in the fields surrounding Tarant? Do you know the cause of this shortage? Do you know what the result of this shortage will be if left unaddressed?

    Tarant has become a city which cannot feed itself. The workers who once toiled in the sun have left for the empty promise of wealth to be had within Tarant. A generation later they cannot return to the fields as they lack the skills necessary.

    The demand for skilled field labour is rapidly driving the wage rate up to a point where it will not be sustainable. The short term problem will be escalating fod prices which render the poor and working classes unable to feed themselves. (I believe we all know the social ills that are generated by such a situation.) The long term problem is the over-inflation and subsequent collapse of the field labour market. Tarant, without very substantial outlays of government capital will face an epidemic of starvation.

    I urge you to urge your governing councils and members to consider the balance Caladon has struck. Both our cities and our farms prosper and labour is content and well trained in both sectors.

    Wisdom and aforethought, gentlefolk.

    Oyarsa Buckland, Prop.
    Buckland Orchards & Vineyards, Caladon
  9. gustavef

    gustavef New Member

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    May 8, 2001
    My Dear Mr Deamry:

    Although in an ideal world, letting market forces dictact the actions of the Factory owners is a nobel idea. However, those same market forces are already causing the Owners to destroy the one resource they do have. By revoking the "Fair Wage for Labour Act" is a step backwards.

    It is the goal of the Government to protect itself and all its people. A few short sighted Factory Owners can cause the collapse of an already tenious and volitile situation.

    Should Paralment let these few short sighted owners create a greater potential for open revolt? A revolt that, we both know, would do more harm then good for everyone in Tarant.

    How can you sit there and state that we should let Market Forces Dictate the world, when it is these same forces, if left uncheck, could destory what we are trying to build.

    Both you and I want a peaceful resolution to the already volitile labour issues. Let us at least prevent more Fule being placed on the timber.

    -gustavef, Orcish Labour Union -- Tarant Local 5
  10. gridflay

    gridflay New Member

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    May 8, 2001
    Gentlemen- and Orcish-types.
    We have heard clear evidence of the sorts of problems that tend to arise when organization is fomented amongst the lower classes. Talk of revolt? In Tarant, jewel of the civilized world?
    Clearly, the situation is more dire than was forseen; equally apparent is the wellspring of that dire portent: the Orcish half-breeds among us!
    Certainly, they have their uses; strong backs and thick heads always do. But here we see what happens when we provide them with too much leeway in their speech and movements!
    Not content to be productive members of society, not enough for them to be allowed to earn their livings. They, despite being permitted in the company of better influences, incite to violence and extort undeserved concessions from those whom have shown them such goodwill!

    There is a solution to all problems, I say; a solution to the simmering dangers of the tainted breeds, a solution to the shortages of strong backs in the fields, and a solution to the question of committment of sufficient civic capital to offset the losses inherent in a change of labor pool economics.

    The solution, it is clear, is to strip all rights of citizenry from those of impure blood and cause them to become property of the State. They may then be leased, at reasonable rate, for the purposes of labours and breeding, to those propery owners who wish their services.

    The government receives the capital needed to support the economy, trades gain their pool of needed workers, and the threat of insurrection vanishes.

    Gentlemen- I submit, a modest proposal.

    The Honorable Gridflay, 3rd Earl of New Avalon
  11. nollidj

    nollidj New Member

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    May 11, 2001
    *Walks into the Parlimentary room carrying a bundle swathed in oily rags.*

    *Places the bundle on a large wooden table with a resounding THUD.*

    Gentlemen, I fear that the situation has escalated. Certain... radicals... seem to have taken the law into their own hands!

    *Unwraps the rags to reveal the workings of a simple explosive device.*

    While attempting to carry out a simple business transaction with a Gnome of my acquaitance, this was thrown through the window and nearly struck him! Fortunately, I was somewhat far from the device while my compatriot, who is a dabbler in various Magicks, was immediately next to it. As a result, it failed to function properly, and I was quickly able to disable it so as to eliminate any chances of its going off at a later time.

    It is the radicals who are to blame for this! We must take careful note to track down, villanize, and destroy whoever did this; a revolt amongst the workers would result only in untold destruction and loss for all concerned. We must not make martyrs; still, we must not allow this to continue!
  12. gridflay

    gridflay New Member

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    May 8, 2001
    Indeed, I say!

    Gentlemen, the time for action is now!
    Will we allow ruffians to cow us with threats of violence? No more!
    Will we allow villany to run jealously rough-shod over the backs of the ambitious? No more, I say!

    I call upon this esteemed body to tack immediate action!

    And I say, let there be a price on the comtinued freedom of the man whom enabled this...this weapon of terror which Goodman Nollidj has brought to our attention.

    I, for one, will contribute to this bounty!

    The Honourable Gridflay, 3rd Earl of New Avalon
  13. Wojit

    Wojit New Member

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    May 9, 2001
    P'shaw! You think we should waste all our money creating some bounty to be collected by some uncouth mercenaries who will probably do a terrible job, and leave dozens of revolutionaries free to terrorize?

    This is a job for professionals! Send in the army!
    Heck, most of you people have even carried a sword or a pistol in your day. We need to do a good thorough job in clearing out these fools!
  14. Flipz

    Flipz New Member

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    May 9, 2001
    You forget who makes up the majority of your "military." Sure, the officers are all "pure bloods" or of high status but those who do the actual work are the same types of folks that you wish to subdue by the force of arms. Do you think that family will attack family? I think not. My family has had a long history of military members and even now I have a brother and two cousins in the military. Not only do our strong backs serve us as factory and field workers but also as miltary task forces.

    Think not to use the military in this matter. It may be your undoing. I beg you to try more peaceful solutions, as, though some may threaten revolt, no one truly wants bloodshed.

    Torrus Grhol, Immigrant and Half-Orc
  15. Wojit

    Wojit New Member

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    May 9, 2001
    Family will attack family if we pay them enough.
    Wait... That gets us right back to the paying too much stuff..
    DAMN! Always one step ahead of me!
  16. Aldin

    Aldin New Member

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    May 15, 2001
    You have taken the enemy of a thousand years and placed him in your home. "We have tamed him" you say. But in your deepest heart you fear him. We elves eschew YOUR course Ladies and Gentlemen. By embracing the blasphemy of technology you shall bring ruin on your houses. Vote as you will, decide as you must, but this time the Orcs will own you one way or the other. Your only hope is to embrace magick, destroy your engines of dismay and cast your enemies of olde back into the wilds where they belong. I urge you to caution and rational thought.
    Yours in the Light,
    Daenyn Taelis
  17. stravaig

    stravaig New Member

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    May 10, 2001
    My Dear Mr. Tealis,

    Technology is here to stay. That its benefits are capable of being realized by the masses puts it far, far ahead of Magick.
    I do not wish Magick or the practitioners thereof ill, but I will warn them: 100 years from now, Technology will have taken over the land, and but for a few small holdouts in places such as Tulla (if it really exists) and Qintarra, Magick will be virtually unknown.

    But back to the topic at hand!
    I agree that taking Orcs into civilization is a risky, if not doomed proposition.
    Once again, I encourage support of the Medical Experimentations that I am sponsoring, which will hopefully result in Pacified Orcs.
    Thank you,

    Hamilton Demry, Esq.
  18. Aldin

    Aldin New Member

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    May 15, 2001
    Mr. Demry,
    I will thank you to spell my name properly in the future sir. That said, my previous missive was penned as an outlet to my growing frustration with our soceital change. You claim no ill will towards myself or my race and yet as a physician you must surely sense what is coming. My race is Magickal sir. I beg you to consider what this means. We have lived in harmony with the other noble races for many years, a harmony undisturbed by magick. Now we find ourselves most unwelcome in communities espousing technology. And we may ourselves not be wholly immune to the disruption of Magick brought about thereby. It is for your convenience that you risk our lives. Have we ever denied you any Magickal contrivance? Why then do you tell me that I shall be reduced to living in pathetic enclaves of Magick so that technology may supply you with an unending stream of whimsical toys? I am very much afraid that burden cannot be bourne. I realize that your time is short and that I have not spoken to the Orcish situation at all, but I wanted you to understand that the love our races bear one another is strained. You have the choice to turn aside from this course. We do not.
    Truly yours,
    Daenyn Taelis
  19. stravaig

    stravaig New Member

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    May 10, 2001
    My Dear Mr. Taelis,

    My apologies for the misspelling of your name. I take such things very seriously, and have, as a result of this latest error, released my secretary for her inability to take dictation properly.

    I am not a doctor, and again I apologize for any confusion I may have inadvertently sewn. I am a solicitor, routinely representing many of Tarant's wealthiest businessmen and tycoons.
    For my Orc Pacification project, of course, I have hired the very best physicians available, led by the venerable Dr. Helmut VonKrieg.

    As for the Magickal nature of Elves, and the role of technology in the coming future:
    Technology /is/ the way of the future! The marvels and benefits of technology should not be dismissed as whimsical toys by those who do not understand them.
    Technology improves everything it becomes associated with, including even those things which may seem frivolous, such as toys and small devices designed to provide added convenience to everyday life. Those things should assist in convincing you of the pervasiveness and ultimate ascension of Technology, not of the opposite!

    Elves and Orcs face similar problems.
    Orcs must overcome their violent nature in order to fit in with the new Enlightened Society. If they cannot, and if my Medical Experiments are unsuccessful, then I fear the worst for them as a Race.
    Similarly, Elves must learn to deal with Technology. Despite their inherent Magickal nature, I believe this to be possible, and even necessary. It may mean giving up all Magickal trappings, but the benefits of Technology, I believe, outweigh the simple disadvantages an Elf would experience by relinquishing the unnatural hold that Magick has upon him.

    Hamilton Demry, Esq.
  20. Aldin

    Aldin New Member

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    May 15, 2001
    Mr. Demry,
    Thank you for your courteous apology, it is accepted. I do hope your new secretary is suitable to your needs. As to the merits of Technology and Magick, I am afraid we are at an empasse. If I desire your support in this manner I realize I will need to secure your professional services. In the meantime, I would like to contribute to your Orc pacification project. I have in my possession a tome dealing with the proper means of punishment for Orcish slaves. It was of course written in an earlier time, but mayhap it contains information which would be beneficial. As it relates to the subject at hand, I am unable to support any action which would put more power in the hands of vile Orcish hordes. It has been a pleasure discoursing with you.
    Yours in the Light,
    Daenyn Taelis

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Aldin on 2001-05-16 23:27 ]</font>
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