Rev/ making your system run better

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dakun, Sep 17, 2001.

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  1. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 14, 2001
    i posted this in reply to rev crashed out often.. its good for everyone to know.. so here it is :smile: it will make your system run faster and arcanum and anything else you play will crash less cause your system has more resources to put effort into your game :smile:

    peace i hope you all like it

    no prob. glad you got it. rightclick on your "my computer icon" select properties, tab over to performance, and look at your system resources percentage.. if its less then 70.. you got way to much shit loaded on your comp (not programs installed, but stuff running in the background of everything else)

    this might be a longish post hehe, sec lemme check something....

    if its less then 70.. first.. clear your history/temp internet files, and any cookies.. next if its real low or you just got a new comp w/ lots of system shit stuck on it you don't know about.. then click start, run, type "msconfig"

    in general, click selective startup

    in enviroment unclick temp and tmp

    in startup, unclick everything except that which you need :
    loadpower profile
    ex exec
    and anything dealing w/ web security programs, speakers or other input devices.

    everything else (microsoft...) offers, delays, updates... uncheck it all

    you'll free up 15-20% doing this tip for everyone hehe

    gonna post this as its own topic cause i figured i just typed it all.. why not let others benefit.

    don't be scared.. you ddin't delete anything, you can still run all your programs and get all the updates you want... you just stopped these files from booting when you boot the computer... so they aren't running in the background while you don't know about it, ... be careful when you do this thou, you don't NEED persay.. anything on that list... but i really don't suggest you get rid of everything... cause thier are debuggers and stuff that are part of the system you wanna keep.

    haha i had fun typing that...


  2. Edythe

    Edythe New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 31, 2001
    Thanks - did as you said and it made a world of difference - Edythe
  3. rev

    rev New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 1, 2001

    Thanks a ton. I already had most of the msconfig tweaking done, but I finally got around to killing a driver for DOS support of my sound card that always failed. Wonder if it loaded enough to slow me down...
    I killed my temp internet stuff, and dropped my temp folder from 100 megs to 20. Cleared history. That knocked me from 68% to 69%, though before rebooting. Taking one or two things out of my config and rebooting, and I'm at 90% before IE opened, and 83% now that it's running. Woop! I bet the game is nicer now.. thanks a ton.

  4. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 14, 2001

    keep at at the top /bump

    hehe i spent a while typing that... its good for people to know. :smile:

    peace all
  5. Milo

    Milo New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 12, 2001
    Awesome, Dakun. Thanks for posting that up!
  6. Skie88

    Skie88 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 6, 2001
    I guess Ill bump this up. It really works wonder, thanks Dakun...
  7. Soldador

    Soldador New Member

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    Sep 21, 2001
    There are some more things U can do to speed up your computers...
    1. Rightclick on my computer, go 2 properties, tab to performance, click on 'file system' (or something like that, I got polish version of Windows myself and I don't quite remember english version of names). In first tab switch the role of the computer to 'networking server'. If you have more than 64 megabytes of RAM , it will speed up system instead of slowing it, because windows uses more memory to cache your harddisks.
    2.then switch to second tab, 'floppy' or something like that and uncheck the 'search 4 floppy every time...' This one will speed up only booting, on some older system even up to 10 seconds...
    3. close the 'file system' window and open 'virtual memory' instead. click on 'let me handle swapfile myself'. Set the size of the swapfile to about 1.5 or 2 times the amount of RAM you have (if you have more than 128 MB swapfile size of about 200, let's say 250 MB should be enough). IMPORTANT: minimal and maximal size should be the same... The point of this trick is that swapfile isn't created every time windows starts - it's created once so min and max values must be the same. Now, your computer'll ask you to restart, after restart run disk defragmenter (if you have better program that defragments your disk, use it instead- some of them, like my favourite Norton SpeedDisk place the swapfile closer to the edge of the disk, so it can be accesed much faster). After defragmenting your system should work much better, 'cause swapfile, which is used all the time won't be spread on the whole disk - it will be in one place. BTW - you probably know that, but your harddisk should be defragmented at least once a week.

    Soldador, da Masta Disasta

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Soldador on 2001-09-21 14:12 ]</font>
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