1- Ok I want use a condition that is met when the PC use a specific item on a NPC. In my module, that's an Antidote potion. But I can't find the right condition in the Scriptmaker. Though I'm sure that's possible, because that's how you finish Arcanum (use vendigroth device on bad guy) 2- I have a bug with WorldEd. I'm using of WorldEd (the 'non compilated module'). I've done many things in my module, and now there's a NPC I can't delete. Each time I try do delete him and I save the map, it appears again when I reload the map in WorldEd or when I play the module. At first it's not very annoying because I need this NPC. But the problem is that if I set his Night Standpoint in a bed, he will sleep forever after the first night. I tried deleting the bed and creating another one -> same thing I tried deleting the NPC -> he spawns again Do you know this bug? What can I do ?
1- Thanks to DJUnique on GamesNet, I can now use the Antidote on the right NPC. 2- The problem is much larger. I've tried with WorldEd 1.0.6, WorldEd 1.0.7 and WorldEd and every characters I want to delete does not save. I have to look at the name of the .mob file linked to the NPC, and delete it manually, for the changes to be effective. And I have many problems now with the Day/Night Stand. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Really I'm lost with that...
So what did DJUnique tell you to do to make it possible to use the Antidote potion on the NPC? I'd like to know in case I need to be able to do something similar. I've never had any problems deleting an NPC that I've created in World Editor and I've done it several times. Once or twice I've had to delete an NPC twice, but the second time has always done the trick for me. I'm using World Editor, BTW. I've also had a few chests that have been somewhat stubborn about not wanting to stay deleted, but again deleting them the second time will usually do the trick. If you are working on the main world map, you may have to delete all the temporary maps that are generated in the Sierra\Arcanum\modules\Arcanum\maps\ directory to ensure that your changes take place properly because those maps will retain certain information. I'm not sure if this could happen in a regular module or not because I haven't worked on anything except the main map and submaps for it.
DJUnique said : Do a script: 0. IF (obj) is named (num) THEN bla bla bla ELSE etc etc 1. etc etc You select Extra Object and the number of your NPC internal name. Then you attach this script to the USE point of the Item you want to use on a specific NPC. Now the condition is only met when you USE this specific item on that specific NPC.
Now are you making a module, or editing the main "Arcanum" module? Usually, this problem is associated with making a .dat file. Check that there isn't a YOUR_MODULE.dat file sitting in your modules directory. Also empty out the temp files or something in one of the directories which I forget.
Actually the bug was : bad bed "placement". There was a big room for the bed but I don't know... the NPC couldn't wake up. I moved the bed in another part of the house, and it worked. Now about the "I can't delete anything", I still have this bug and it's annoying, but I've found a workaround. No I don't have a .dat file, I'm working on my own module (not Arcanum), and I use the WorldEd version, and I don't compile my module, and I have deleted the temp files in the /maps/ directory. Really I don't know why it happens. I've sent my module to someone else and he said he could delete the NPCs without them coming back after a reload. Strange !
RE that sounds alot like it is something with your computer, or your version of arcanum, or something. I'm not aware of that bug though.
whoa, i have never heard of that bug either... it's like some annoying guy that you want to make him leave, but he just won't go away... have you tried moving him to some obscure part of your map where he will be lost from sight and nobody but you will know his exsistence?
I actually have an idea what might have caused the bug. Sometimes you can place an object so that it seems to be inside a building but it is actually partially inside the wall. If that object were a bed, it might interfere with the bed and anything relating to the bed functioning properly. So your bug may not actually be a bug, but may be a an actual bad placement of the bed preventing it from functioning correctly and the game is telling you about it in the best, but limited, way it can. Of course, I could be totally wrong, too, but that's my best take on it, since the Troika folks have tried to make things give you some feedback on stuff that's most likely to produce problems.
wait, so youre saying if he put it partially inside a wall, he'd have to delete thae wall, then delete the person?
No, just move the bed so it is no longer in the wall and that should take care of it. He said that when he moved the bed, it worked.
okay, so ther is no wall-deleting involved? :???: cool. Now, if i ever have that problem i'll know what to do!