Cheap way to get levels (minor spoiler)

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Akki, Sep 17, 2001.

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  1. Akki

    Akki New Member

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    Sep 16, 2001
    This is a CHEAP way to get levels. Don't do it unless you are stuck or a gnome :p

    In the seaside town of Ashbury there is a small cemetary on the west side. It has a problem. It is currently full of the "living impaired". Zombies are up wandering around looking for brains. If you talk to the wizard at the entrance he'll give you a quest to stop the infestation. Why stop it when you can embrace it? The zombies continually respawn at the open grave sites. By positioning yourself properly, you can let your followers pound the snot out of the zombies while you rack up the experiance. The best spot it between two open graves on the road near a curve. I use Virgil, Sogg, and WonderMutt to do all the dirty work. I usually summon in an ogre or demon to help them out. Keep Virgil close because he gets killed easily in my experience.


    A massive mound of festering zombie parts can be a heavy load on your processor and graphics card. When things slow down, leave town and wander about the world map for about 4 days (or 1 inch) and then come back.
    Apply, Rinse, Repeat.
  2. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

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    Aug 13, 2001
    yeah but isn't that unbalancing the game?
    If I would reach level 50 in the middle of the game things would get pretty boring. But that is only me,Even without the zombies you reach lev50 before the end. But you can turn off random encouters and kill the zombies insted witch would save you time
  3. Akki

    Akki New Member

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    Sep 16, 2001
    Well I told ya so...

    Well I did say it was cheap.

    If they do another patch maybe they should address the issue. It would probably be better to make a longer respawn time on the zombies. Like only every evening. I believe the wizard said something about them coming out at night.
  4. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
    I try not to do this because if I level up to 50 then that means my followers won't level up with me anymore. :sad:
  5. mztr44

    mztr44 New Member

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    Sep 16, 2001
    Yeah, I figured this out too, but it really isn't very feasible to use for getting to level 50. It would take an extremely long time especially since you're only getting exp for the kills and not attacking(aside from the occasional zombie that gets right up next to you). Decent for getting to level 15, maybe 20 if you're really patient.

    An alternative to leaving town and sleeping is to just advance time one day during a lull in the zombies, this should clear any bodies on the ground. If Virgil is high enough level he should be able to keep everyone healed just fine, though certain people he only seems to heal them up to 1/3 of full, i.e. Magnus.
  6. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
  7. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2001
    I still haven't reached lvl 50 on any of my characters. The closest I got was lvl 49 but then she beat the game right after that.
  8. rev

    rev New Member

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    Sep 1, 2001

    If you're playing a lone techie (meaning you're not concerned about followers beyond pack horses), I got from about level 16 to level 25ish in here. I was going through the game rather nicely, just needed some pick-me-up levels. I made my followers wait so that I didn't have to chase them around, and I just plinked zombies off with my looking glass rifle hunter-style (one shot, one kill). You level *FAST*. Of course, I later learned that followers level when you level with them. Woops =)
  9. dureena

    dureena New Member

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    Sep 18, 2001
    interestingly enough...

    I did the same strategy with the void monsters near Liam's workshop. I wanted to level my half-orc thrower since I wanted more charisma to try to solve a certain quest, so I kept killing the void monsters over and over. This is actually a pretty fast way to level. However, the monsters ran out eventually! First the arroyas ran out and then finally even the lizards stopped coming through.
  10. Bonnie

    Bonnie New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Whenever I first reach Tarant and am at a really low level, its usually night. So I go up the ally that leads to the Tarant library and kill the 2 orc thiefs there. I then go a short distance away from the ally, save, reload and do it again. Best of all, I can sell their worn out shoes and leather gloves at the shops when morning comes, or sell to the dark magic shop thats open at night.

    I got up from level 7 to level 15 this way and made loads of money too.
  11. Akki

    Akki New Member

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    Sep 16, 2001
    Magnus and Virgil

    I think the problem with Magnus and Virgil is the Magic - Technology barrier. Virgil never heals me or magnus and we're both heavy tech users. When I had a group that was all magic users, he healed everyone. This is only my second time through the game so I could be wrong, but it is a theory.
  12. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

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    Aug 13, 2001
    even if 100% tech he ALWAYS tried to heal me. he and raven ALWAYS. this pissed me off through the entire goddman game
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