Grants Tavern, Tarant..Please Help

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by theft of time, Sep 17, 2001.

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  1. theft of time

    theft of time New Member

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    Sep 17, 2001
    ello all, how goes it in the lands of Arcanum. I have a pretty big problem and I am really just wondering if its me or if anyone has come across this..ok heres the problem. Grants Tavern in Tarant.. if I go inside the tavern or if I go inside the telegraph office this lvl 30 monk attacks me. He's located in the tavern but even if I go to the tele he starts by throwing knives at me from the tavern...when he runs out of ammo he then leaves the tavern and comes inside the tele to kill me? and he's lvl 30!! so I can't do crap cause I'm only lvl 9. The only thing I can think of is to raise my char. its at 2 right now but even if I raise it to 4 same thing happens. pleaee help me!!!!

    Theft of Time
  2. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

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    Sep 14, 2001
    cha is nothing

    reply again.. tell my your race/alingment and if you talked to him first. He is a molochan hand assasin... so if you spoke to him (or the newpapers (500coin quest)) he'll attack you. leave the town, sleep for say 3 days.. and come back.. see if he still notices you :smile:. peace

  3. theft of time

    theft of time New Member

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    Sep 17, 2001
    I'm a halfing thief.. my alignment is pretty much even right now with a lil bit towards evil/good not sure. Did I talk to him? good question I'm pretty sure I did but not really sure. I must of because I was in the tavern when I first entered the city then all of a sudden I'm being attacked... after checking the rest of the city..gonna go try yer method right now

    Theft of Time
  4. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

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    Sep 14, 2001
    yeah okay

    if your not hated by everyone... then he wont attack unless you talk to him.. gotta leave the town and clean his argo list... if it don't work, run him out of the building south till you get the bridge, then while he's attacking (i suppose you can survive for like 5seconds? heh) use the subway and port yourself away heh, he'll stay near subway, and you can get your telegraph in freedom (just remeber he's their... so you gotta train him away or kill him or something later... lvl 30 really isn't that bad if he's a molochan assasin w/out gear on, get magnus (slight good needed) in tarant, and the healer in derholm (slight tech needed (10). have him see you and run circles around him... he will chase you.. they will hit him... should end quickly enough :smile:

  5. theft of time

    theft of time New Member

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    Sep 17, 2001
    Well the camp for 3 days didn't work and I tried for 5 days still no go. Leaving him at the subway isn't really a bad idea, seeing as when I enter that area I slow down like a 400lb fat lady running up a hill.
    Also I was completly neutral..arrow pointing north..I think...saw a 4 when I put cursor over it. thanks for the speeedy reply

    Theft of Time
  6. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

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    Jul 30, 2001
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