World Ed and ScrMaker don't work with patches

Discussion in 'Modding and Scripting Support' started by The Pigeon, Apr 22, 2012.

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  1. The Pigeon

    The Pigeon Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 28, 2007
    When I try to run world ed or the script maker I get a message box saying

    "Such and such has stopped working, windows is checking for a solution to the problem"

    I've installed the following patches;
    1) 1074
    2) UAP091225
    3) Level cap remover
    4) High res 1.1a

    I got the Arcanum installer from Good Old Games.

    I don't remember having problems before opening either program but I haven't tried the tutorials for modding in years so I don't remember if I tried using the unofficial patches with them or not.
  2. Wims

    Wims New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2011
    The patches are not the problem. I run WorldEd and SockMonkey with the 1074 + UAP + I was, at some point, with HighRes. I also doubt the level cap remover would be the problem.

    Windows 7 don't like sometimes WorldEd. My advice would be, since you have the GOG version, is to retrieve the orginal SockMonkey and WorldEd file and copy/paste them in your Arcanum folder. If you can't access, I can upload them for you.

    Also, it may be better, IMO, to use the 1070 WorldEd version but that's up to you, I find it much more convenient.
  3. The Pigeon

    The Pigeon Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 28, 2007
    I've got Windows Vista, rather than 7, but that could be it still. I got the gog version since I thought it would run fine on later operating systems, but that only appears true of the game itself.

    What version of WorldEd and SockMonkey do you use?
  4. Wims

    Wims New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2011
    I use WorldEd 1070 (the original one). I don't like the uncompress/compress thing each time you open your mod and the new panels are quite disturbing. SockMonkey is unchanged with the new patch so there is only one.

    The thing is just that from windows vista, some old libraries (dll) has note been optimized for windows visata & 7 so, for example, scrolling is quite laggy and so in zoom/unzoom on TD view. But that's pretty much this only bugged stuff.

    There is no reason I know that would make SockMonkey force close everytime you open it. WorldEd may have few reasons to do so if you mess with some files.

    If you want to test, I just uploaded for you my SockMonkey and WorldEd.
  5. The Pigeon

    The Pigeon Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 28, 2007
    Thanks for the files, I'll give em a shot. Just thought I'd share some experiments I tried to get it to work.

    I uninstalled and reinstalled Arcanum and then tried to run the editors. Didn't work. Added the 1074 patch with same result. Curiously it also asked me for a CD from running the game even tho it's from gog and shouldn't need it. Then I installed the UAP patch and although Arcanum runs fine, the editors do not.


    I had a look on the GoG forums and I think the issue might be with the GoG version of the game. Doesn't look like they've tried to fix it though.

    Edit: 2


    What would happen if I deleted the WorldEd and Script exe files and replaced with with yours? I'm glad you gave me coppies of them but I don't know if it'd do crazy things to my computer.

    Edit: 3

    Unfortunately your versions don't work either :(
  6. The Pigeon

    The Pigeon Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 28, 2007
    Decided to uninstall the GoG version and see what would happen if I installed my original CD version. I thought it wouldn't work on the new system and was supposed to have all sort of problems but it seems to work. Here's hoping my luck holds!

    Now if only GoG would actually get thier WorldEd and Script Maker versions to work that would be neat.
  7. Wims

    Wims New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2011
    Good for you that it works properly. I can't really guess the problem with GOG version but the WorldEd/SckMonkey feature is not a minor one IMO so they'd better fix it.
  8. The Pigeon

    The Pigeon Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 28, 2007
    Yeah, I had a search on their forums. If I remember correctly the posts for it got quite ancient so this has been going on for years. Seems odd for a company who's whole thing is making old games work on new systems. The game itself admittedly works fine, but not the editors.
  9. Drog Alt

    Drog Alt Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 30, 2010
    About the GOG version. Seems like they included a custom ddraw.dll that is causing problems for many users. Simply delete it.
  10. The Pigeon

    The Pigeon Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 28, 2007
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