Where do I undat Arcanum1, Arcanum2 etc files to?

Discussion in 'Modding and Scripting Support' started by troy310589, May 17, 2004.

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  1. troy310589

    troy310589 New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 4, 2004
    Can someone tell me where to undat the arcanum1, arcanum2 etc files to so they can still be used but so i can delete the .dat files
  2. Draighox

    Draighox New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 26, 2004
    I don't know if I understand your question, but here's my advice:
    Make a folder 'Arcanum_undat' in modules directory and undat Arcanum there. Then delete arcanum.dat.

    Now here's my question. How can I place a picture under my name at the left side of my post?
  3. mathboy

    mathboy New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003
    Go to profile, and click the show gallery buttom far down.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Just make a folder to put all the .dat files, and if arcanum says "Cannot read from path specified" or something like that, I would change it back, or if you don't mind a cluttered folder, just have all of the dat files sitting there. and it should be fine
  5. troy310589

    troy310589 New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 4, 2004
    To clear up my question a bit...
    I want to play around with the art files a bit but they are in dat files and i dont want to have to undat these files and re-dat the files, i just want to undat them into folders and remove the dat files. the files are arcanum1, arcanum2 and arcanum3.

    hope this is a bit clearer. :???:
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest


    yeah, what you would do is undat all of the files into that same folder where the .dat file is/was. then, I would put the .dat files somewhere else and try arcanum. If it works, then you can delete them, if not, put the dat files back.
  7. troy310589

    troy310589 New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 4, 2004
    Thanx, I'll try this tonight and hope it works :)
  8. Shadowbird

    Shadowbird New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 9, 2004
    I have understood about 15% of what is going on here. ;) But if I get it correctly, troy wants to play with modified original files... troy, you do NOT need to delete the .dat files.
    If you extract the .dat contents to a folder "data" (located in the same forlder where arcanum.exe is), the game will use those instead of those in the dat file. There might be some problems with .pro files, but the rest should be OK.
    Just make sure the paths match. I.e. - if you unpack art\superduper.art, then make sure it's data\art\superduper.art.
  9. Sinbad

    Sinbad New Member

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    Sep 27, 2003
    If you do like thrice said and undat those ART files to your root Arcanum directory, you will cause yourself problems, most likely, or nothing will work. If you do like Shadowbird said and undat them to a Arcanum\data\art subdirectory, then you should not have problems, but I'm not sure they will work any better. I would like to hear if they do. I don't think that Arcanum will load any ART files except protraits unless they are actually in dat files, but I could be wrong about that and would like to know for sure.
  10. Shadowbird

    Shadowbird New Member

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    Aug 9, 2004
    Well, I've never tested .art files (except one for an inventory item) unpacked, true, but if all other files work when unpacked, why would .art be any different (.PROs are a little different story)? Also, you can try to put them in modules\Arcanum\art directory also... there are some things (user protraits, for example) that don't work there, but dialogs, mes and script files seem to work fine, so I'm guessing it should be OK...
  11. Blinky969

    Blinky969 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 8, 2003
    I have tested them, you are mostly right. Using 1074 most of your oddball haks etc are in Arcanum/data/..., whether that ... is mes, oemes, or whatever. In this case you would create an art directory in data. I strongly recommend making a second folder where shadowbird said so that you can mess around with a bunch of files, and then if you want to play the game you only move the ones you have finished to the art folder in data.
  12. Shadowbird

    Shadowbird New Member

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    Aug 9, 2004
    Er... not quite. In general, "data" folder is for files that should be in the game in general, and the "modules\Arcanum" would be specifically for Arcanum module. That is, if you mess up in the "modules\Arcanum" directory, it's pretty certain you'll mess up your game.

    As I've said, protraits didn't seem to work for me in "modules", but anything else I'm changin (like some dialog texts or scripts, quest log entries), I put them all in "modules\Arcanum" folder and it works like a charm.

    If you wan't to mess around (like I do), but don't want to mess up, you can do it like I do to leave your original Arcanum completely intact - make another directory with another copy of Arcanum. yes, I know it takes another 1.2 GB, plus anything you extract, but it's much easier, believe me. Here's how I have it:


    The first directory houses Arcanum, virtually pure and untouched.
    The second one houses Arcanum with mods and modules, where I make, test and just play around with things. I sure recommend it.

    P.S. You don't have to copy EVERYTHING to the other folder to make arcanum work, just all the Arcanum dat files + .dll files + tig.dat. Maybe the .asi files as well, although it worked fine for me without them. You DON'T have to copy the data folder or any other folders.
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