If you can read this post, you've made it to our new server. Thanks to <a href="http://www.jjtek-hosting.com/">JJTEK-Hosting</a>, we're now coming to you without the gator installs or the seven hundred pop-ups that used to assault you at every opportunity. <br> <br>I've gone through and made the necessary changes to the scripts I can so that they work on the new host. There are still a whole bunch that don't however and it's going to take me some considerable time to get to them all. I apologise for this but I'm trying my darndest to get the new code finished so that everything will work smoothly as it should. <br> <br>This means that over the coming months there will be some significant internal changes to Terra-Arcanum. The new code system will be rolled out (hopefully by about June this year) which is going to change quite a lot. We're going to much more database driven content. It also means we'll be able to provide you with more content as updating and maintaining the site will become a whole lot easier (so all those empty sections under ToEE and Bloodlines in our menu will get to be filled at long last - as well as all that Arcanum info being fixed). <br> <br>Until then, thanks for bearing with us. The <a href="http://www.terra-arcanum.com/phpBB">forums are open</a> so feel free to say 'hi'. If you notice any problems, you'll need to post them in the comments thread of this news item or use our nifty new <a href="http://www.terra-arcanum.com/index.php?section=station&content=general&id=contact">contact us form</a> (our e-mail accounts won't be working for a couple of days yet).