HollywoodVamp (the Bloodlines PR guy/girl/purple tentacled monster) has posted <a href="http://vnboards.ign.com/Bloodlines_Inn/b22439/63469125/?0">the first weekly update</a> on <a href="http://www.troikagames.com">Troika's</a> <a href="http://www.vampirebloodlines.com">Vampire: Bloodlines</a> game. Here we go: <br><blockquote>1. I would like to know if you came to a decision about the other possible paths of thaumaturgy. Is it still on your wish list? Will you allow us to choose between different paths like Movement of the Mind, or will the Path of Blood be the only one selectable? <br> <br>It's still on the wish list, but right now we're really focusing in on the path of blood. We've developed some really cool effects for this that you'll start to see us unveil in the coming months. <br> <br>2. How much flexibility is there going to be in feeding? I assume more combative characters can probably still just grab people and feed from them (at the expense of the Masquerade), but will there be systems in place for seduction? How about sneaking into houses to feed from sleeping mortals? <br> <br>There is a system in place for seductive feeding through dialog as well as a combat feed. We've made feeding into much more of a game-within-a-game than allowing the player to simply sneak into a mortal's house and feed on them while they are sleeping, though. You will need to carefully watch people's paths and behaviors, or use your abilities to lure them into isolated areas, to try to feed on them when they are in opportune areas, either in darkness or away from other NPCs.</blockquote> <br>It might also be fun for you to know that Bloodlines apparently can't be released before <a href="www.half-life2.com">Half-Life 2</a>, as per an agreement with Valve in order to use their game engine. The bad thing about that is it means Bloodlines is still a while away yet. Looking on the good side however, it means that hopefully, it won't be an unbalanced game or a bug-infested dungeon crawler. Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.
And it also means Bloodlines will be overshadowed by HL2. Troika's gaining a reputation of being screwed by their publishers.
I think Vampire will be good, they will have a long time to remove every bug, and they must make it a good RPG since it won't be sold to action fans who will get HL2 at the same time. Hopefully it won't sell too good, then they might not make Arcanum-like anymore.