Short answer: Yes Long answer: When you pick a background you have the option of being an 'Educator', this gives you the opportunity to train your NPCs to one skill level below you. Ie, if you are a Master in Firearms, you can train them to be Apprentices and/or Experts in that skills.
i have the money i do not see the reason for not being able to ask the person to train my npc this is perhaps the designer's fault it is too difficult to only have 1 follower with educator
The educater backround doesn't restrict you to 1 follower, it takes one away. Meaning you with 20 chriz a norm person would have 5 followers, but an educater can only have 4.
I found an error in the manual I've downloaded at Terra Arcanum website. You can only have 1 extra follower if you are an expert in persuasion. Who wrote this one? In the manual that you bought, the notes here are correct. _________________ <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: friend_al_23 on 2001-08-29 19:17 ]</font>
early edition al check the game manual, it is correct. the website manual is a work in process from April... ~Al 2 ps - how many posts do you have today? 30?
Got struck by insomnia again. I can't sleep and have nothing to do (its late in the morning here). Yes, I already said that. The manual from the box is correct but the ones from the website is incorrect.
kinda a bigger more diluted version of this board. most people who post here also post there. just click the link and pick Arcanum Inn. there's plenty there for the budding insomniac... ~Aldin
When did it started (the VN Board Arcanum Forum)? Insomniac but +8 in time zone. Guess where I live (probably obvious)?
Ha! That's a laugh. I don't even know how the American culture work that is why I am asking for what does this and that mean.