I'd go for a combination of 1 and 4 - I want to see more Vendy and Iron Clan inventions, the lost spells (there used to be 8 in each college for anyone that hasn't been to Tulla - not a huge spoiler) and possibly the lost college (that three-pronged one). LESS GODS! Basically, I want to see the rebirth of lost things from Arcanum's past.
I'd like to see better follower AI *all around*. I mean if Virgil INSISTS on wielding the MIGHTIEST sword he can find, the least he should be able to do is boost his STRENGTH up for crissakes. :roll: Also, how about finalizing that half-ogre quest? I hate unfinished business, especially after all the %&$# I had to go through just to get to that point! I'm sure there's plenty more, but eh, I haven't heard any news about Arcanum 2 anyway, have you? - Windmills
Speaking of Tarant's newspapers, I wish there was a page 2 and more to read. I like reading the newspaper, but the only important thing is the stuff on the front page. The rest cant be read.
That would rock, getting quests from the back pages. I would like to see more possible stats, so it makes sense to use half the items in the game, like all those grenades; most of them were just there to look cool. Also, I would like to see proper helmet on char head, instead of what the armor makes him(her) look like. One last big thing, I would like to have a clip on the weapons like in FO, My six-shooter can fire thousands of rounds when it shouyld be 6-reload-6-reload... -Steve
Also, there should be a useful weather prediction in the paper. There should be random weather changes that affect you in certain ways, and the newspaper can help you prepare for it. Such as: rain lowers your chrisma (Who likes to look at a soaking we person?), snow slowly lowers your fatigue (You can fall into a death sleep if you stay in the snow too long... if you go unconcious, you die.), sunny & partly sunny, makes everything the way it shoud be, and hail slowly takes away health points.
Better AI all the way. Not so much more schematics, just better ones. Half of the guns are useless and don't show up anyway. The schematics also use odd ingredients. The Revlover for example, should use the gun chasis and the revolver chamber, not "broken revolver parts". Some schematics should also need more than two parts, perhaps 3.
Such as: females, gnome - halfling, human - half orc - half elf? I agree with the death animations idea. If I kill somone with an axe, they will probably be missing parts. Not just lying on the ground. If I kill somone with a hammer, there will probably be some dents and broken bones, no missing parts.
I completely agree. They have some skinny gnomes in Tarant and halfling and gnome women. It is simply lazy not to make characters for them if they made the main look anyway.