<a href="http://www.gamebanshee.com/">GameBanshee</a> have a complete walkthrough of Troika's the <a href="http://www.greyhawkgame.com">Temple of Elemental Evil</a> available. I haven't got the game myself yet (lemme get my new PC up and running first) but according to Dan from the <a href="http://www.co8.org">Circle of Eight</a> it's pretty complete. It seems to be quite impressive with maps of each area, details of who can join your party and how, as well as full quest details. So, if you're stuck in ToEE and need that little helping hand, you can <a href="http://www.gamebanshee.com/templeofelementalevil/walkthrough.php">check it out here</a>. Don't be too worried about spoilers either, as the walkthrough is broken up into sections so you only see the bits you want. Spotted this at the <a href="http://www.co8.org">Circle of Eight</a>.