<a href="http://www.co8.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3543">There's a new fan-made mod pack for Temple of Elemental Evil out</a>. Read all about it: <br><blockquote>Please read the <a href="http://files.co8.org/docs/Circle%20of%20Eight%20Mod%20Pack%205.0.0%20-%20Release%20Notes.txt">Release Notes</a> if you want a detailed list of what's been changed/added since 4.0.0. And believe me, it's a looong list [Editor's note: Believe him]. <br> <br>IMPORTANT: Read the <a href="http://files.co8.org/docs/Co8%205.0.0%20Installation%20Instructions.txt">Installation Instructions</a> carefully. You can't miss them. They're shoved in your face right at the start of the setup. And don't forget to scroll down! <br> <br>Agetian's ToEE Frontend requires Microsoft .NET. If you install the Frontend, you MUST start the game via the Frontend and choose the module "Co8-5.0.0". <br> <br>Start a new game. <b>Saved games from earlier Co8 mod pack versions or from the unmodded game will NOT work</b>. You've been warned!</blockquote> <br>You can download the <b>75 MB</b> mod file <a href="http://files.co8.org/mods/Circle_of_Eight_Mod_Pack_5.0.0_Final.exe">directly from Circle of Eight</a>. A quick browse of the list shows that this mod is a cumulative fix seemingly for everything ever broken in ToEE. It also includes a range of new spells, equipment and other things. If you haven't played ToEE for a while, this might make it worth it.