Question One: We want to read a message without losing the game view. We used a control key one time but cannot remember how to do that. So we are stuck with dragging the letter icon down, pushing a couple buttons, the full message completely covers the game, and when we get back to the game, we have been killed. Question Two: A sword is waiting to be picked up in a four-walled part of a castle rock maze near some woods somewhere. We have tried everything to get in there. What is the problemo? Thanks for any help anyone can provide. Richard & Gail
1) Why not right-click the letter in your inventory to read it? Also, you might wish to consider not doing this in real-time combat when there are enemies about. Won't get killed that way. (I've completely misunderstood your post, haven't I.) 2) No way to get the sword without a difficult and time-consuming world map exploit that may or may not work anyway. It seems there was originally a "walk through walls" (or whatever) spell planned, but it got left out of the final game. People who've looked in the editor or who otherwise just know say it's an arcane sword, nothing special.
This only works in the patched game. If you have not instaled the patch, do so. Oh BTW, welcome aboard.