I think in arcanum 2 we should be able to pick and chose what spells we want, of course meeting the requierments.... will power at 18 and lvl 20 for resurect but in most colleges there are just so many useless spells ins som colleges. like necro balck I don't use it except for harm and quence life. and force desintagrate necro white. I only use resurect and the healing spells.
I think there should be actual Colleges in Arcanum where you learn either Tech or Magick. There would be schools in Tarant for Techies and maybe one or two in the mage district for Magick. In this way you can learn up to the level you want by using CPs and paying money/doing quests.
nah! I realy think is should be pick and choose..... I mean..... who would use all the spells in convayence except teleport those are wasted spells, and CP's
Perhaps you spend extra CPs to skip but not as many as it would cost to choose all spells up to that one. But I like my actual college Idea what do you think about it? Having to go to an actual school to spend your CPs and get the next spell/schematic?
but how about that you are able to skip 1 spell/tech each time, now you don't waste that many CP but you don't have 'suddenly quench life' without even nowing 2 spells and you have a certain magic applitude to do the better spells, not having a magical applitude of 2 and immeadtly learning resurruct or something simulair.
I'm intrigued by the idea of actual colleges...but that could add lots of in-game time. I'd like to see more tech items. I'd also like to see the spell colleges broken down or just completely re-done. There's a whole lot of useless spells before you get to the good ones. I'd like to see a few more lower level combat spells. I've yet to find a use for mage lock. Let me rephrase that. I've yet to have the opportunity to use magelock effectively. The only use I can see for it is if you have a room with two doors coming into it, you can lock one and thereby prevent anything from sneaking into the room behind you. I'd like to see a slightly different inventory system, tho I don't know how to word it. I'd like to see something a little less finicky about moving things around. I'd also like to see either slightly higher starting stats, or a few more CPs in the beginning. Some better firearms would be good too, and lastly, better control over the NPC's in the party.
My theory about the useless spells is that you have to get the bad ones in order to get the better ones.
how about the option that npc can trade items without your help I mean If magnus grabs a scrol of resurrect but gives it to raven because she is a spellcaster and waromon gives his sword to sogg mead mug because he uses his bow.
I can see where that would be helpful, but that's not nearly as enfuriating as trying three times to move something around in the inventory and have it bounce back to the original slot because your pointer was off by a half a millimeter. Or as I said, having the party members charge through a door to attack something better handled at range, and blocking the way for any support from the main character. Having them actually move when you give them the command to move would be nice too. And if you tell them to move somewhere, for example if you're trying to set up a defensive sort of position, and STAY where you moved them to, instead of running right back to where they started. I know a lot of the combat was on the easy side, but a lot of it wasn't. And a lot of the times, I got ripped up by things that should never have wiped out the entire party so easily, just because you can't 'position your troops' as it were. And the ability to switch positions of inventory items by moving something over the slot that contains the item, and having them swap, like the D&D games do. I spend more time fussing with the inventory than anything else. And giving the NPC's a better sense of what weapons/armor etc are better. IE if you give an NPC a balanced sword for example, but their str is low, then you put a broadsword in their inventory and they switch it out, even though the sword has an MSR of what..18? 15? Whatever it is, I think my point's clear... Or another example, say you find a pair of eyeglasses, and want to hold on to them cuz you're a techie, but haven't the need to carry them at the moment. But you want to hold on to them, and have them with you when you get the schematic to make the eyegear. So you put them in another char's inventory, then they go and put them on, even tho it dulls their perception, and has no defensive value. Obviously, this doesn't matter if they've allready got a helm, but if they don't it's quite aggravating.
What I would like to see is being able to switch between followers and your own inventory during trading, it gets annoying switching back between the two.
Also when your scanning your followers inventory, and you're checking their stats, it changes back to the inventory every time you switch inventories. If they have it so that it stays on the info screen when you switch, it would be nice.