I havn't read all the topics on this board yet, so I can't say whether or not these ideas have been posted yet, but here goes. First off, there should be more homelands, or race-specific towns. Gnomes and Halflings should have their own towns with their own race-specific quests and such, allowing for more interaction with their own kind. And the elven and dwarven towns should be more tailored for their own race, with more quests and possibilities for their races. Also, I'm sure there are still wild tribes of orcs and ogres, and perhaps trolls, though they are not mentioned much. These tribes must need a base for their raiding and such. These camps could serve as the race-specific towns for half-orcs and half-ogres. Second, their should be culture specific weapons and armor. A weapon from the Far East that might have served the same purpose as a weapon from Western Europe would have looked vastly different because of different styles, different beliefs and different climates where that weapon would be used. This is even more so with armor, where there would be engravings and other decorations and so on. In game terms, a shopkeeper from an elven community shouldn't be selling the same weapons and armor as one from a human or dwarven community. These should have slightly different stats as well, since the different races place importance on different stats; elves value grace and finesse, so their weapons should be faster, dealing less damage and so on. These items could also affect gameplay. An elf would most likely react more favorably to an elf decked out in traditional elven gear, but if that elf was wearing armor made by a human or dwarf, he would probably be looked down upon. Third, there should be more blacksmiths, each with their own skill level. Hence, there should also be quality levels on weapons and armor, giving bonuses or penalties depending on how well it was made and the skill of the blacksmith who made it. This would make players want to search out master craftsmen, and could generate quite a few quest possiblities, like searching for rare materials or doing something for the blacksmith. This could also work for technological items. For example, if you only just meet the requirements to make something, it wouldn't turn out all that great, but if you had a doctorate, it would be a much higher quality. This could allow for another skill, called Smithing or something. Fourth, the idea of nations and governements, should be developed more. It was used only lightly in the first, the main reason being because Tarant was the only real power. If Troika established a few other major city-states, there would be endless quest possibilities because of their various interactions, and it would feel much more like a real, living world. Imagine being a spy, or a double-agent, or a military captain... the possiblities are endless. Fifth, Troika went and created such an expansive character development system, but unless you turn to mass genocide, there are hardly any character vs NPC battles. So I say there should be more..., many more. There can be all the monsters in the world, but nothing feels better than killing a tough NPC with a unique personality. Considering how many spells and unique tech items there are in the game, there could be endless ways to outfit NPCs to fight you and your crew. Sixth, fix the battle system. It was in need of some serious tweeking in the original. Some suggestions, don't make Speed a derived attribute from Dexterity. Since melee fighters have to raise Dex anyway, it just makes them get stronger twice as fast. Also, raise the amount of AP it costs to move in tactical combat. This gives techies a better chance. Lowering the damage bonus given because of strength would help too. Seventh, add more character to the monsters. Unique skills, like immunities, or special powers all help make them more chalenging and more fun at the same time. Well, most of these ideas wouldn't work too well in the original Arcanum, because the game world was too small. It needs to be BIGGER. Also, I've been playing a lot of Morrowind lately, so some of these suggestions are aimed for that more open-ended style of play. Regardless though, these are some of the things that popped into my head as I played the game.
Yes I agree i would be willing to wait anothor year until the release due to troika EXPANDING and puting quality into the game. :thumbup:
Carpe, what you've named is all of the stuff which I intend to include in my mod, Kingdom of Lizards. Wether or not KoL will truly get finished (I wanna make it a team-project, but I require more ppl than avilable) I do not know, but I agree with your ideas, and I'm even thinking of loading Luck's Dual Wielding (bless you child) mod into my game... the string is mostly filled with spam, but go into the General Discussion Forum, and scroll down the page until you find a string labeled "The Wierdest Conspiracy I've Ever Seen" there should be a link in the first post to David Icke's site... go there... that is basically going to be something akin to my plot... I'm also thinking of getting the permission of several individuals on this forum who I wish to include in my mod... so if you know anyone who would consider, or be capable of assisting me, let me know... because I've got around 15 towns, at least 2 dozen quests, a main plot, hidden areas, and a HUGE number of fun little wierd things...
Long post, but true all the way. Yeah, I agree with you, especially the two first points. I couldn't leave Quintarra without feeling a bit... empty? Is that the correct word for it? There was something I missed, like a few more quests available just because I was playing an elf. Likewise, some quests shouldn't be available if you were playing some races. It's not that the dwarves would let a half-ogre do some really important business for them, would they? So, all hail for more race-specificness (did I just invent a new bending of a word?) Seeing as Troika ain't watching these boards due to their policy, we really should make you an employee...