In my meta abuse save, I've devised a different kind of justice. Here's an example: After getting Arbalah's artifact for him (and stealing it again), I raise Bregho from the dead and get him in my party. Then I get Farkhus in my party, followed by Arbalah. I position them in a triangle near the graves of Arbalah's loved ones, so they can see one another and both Arbalah and Bregho can see the graves. Then I turn them permanently to stone. :lol: I'm thinking of repeating this for *SPOILER* and *SPOILER* and even *SPOILER*'s unwilling lady love, and maybe all the *SPOILER*s. I'm also thinking about turning an entire village invisible or shrinking all its inhabitants. I love glitches. By the by, you can bring back petrified people by casting flesh to stone on them a second time without using a reflection shield. I've found temporary stoning quite useful for storing NPCs for later use in a party. I have screenshots of some of my justice statue sociograms, just in case anyone is interested.