The underground RPG community <a href="">RPGCodex</A> reviewed Bloodlines yesterday, I think it's a pretty good review as they don't need to kiss any ass with it, but refuse to read it as it might contain spoilers. <br> <br>Anyone interested can find it at <a href="">this adress</A>.
Wait, so the spambots are scraping the memberlist for names of old forum members to base their usernames off of? And putting the full versions in the sig? The hell.
In far future, this forum will be populated only by spambots which have names based on 1k+ posts members. It's like some freaky combination of Necromantic Black and Phantasm colleges, an illusion which is also a slightly altered copy of dead member.
Wait, so the admins are scraping the memberlist for names of spambots to delete their posts off of threads off of the forum off of? Who would of thought of it could of made them so annoyed of us posting off of here?