Rihanna And The Peculiar Case Of The Missing Ping Pong Balls, Bird, Turtles, Darts, and Razor Blades... Rihanna In The Land Of The Loris I've never heard of more people getting arrested because of a celebrity's vacation tweets. It's bonkers. Has anyone here ever been to Thailand? I've always wanted to go to Phuket but more for the snorkeling than the... uhhh... prostitutes and sex shows. It's all so grisly. I also have to admit I feel bad for the young men who got arrested for abusing the loris. Obviously abuse of animals is very wrong, but at the same time I respect someone who saw a demand for a service and took it upon themselves to fill that demand. I hope they just get a slap on the wrist, but somehow I suspect they're going to be in jail for a while.