Hello, just picked up Arcanum and am having a blast. As a min/maxer, though, I'd like to know a few limits on certain derived stats: - Heal Rate: does this cap out at 6 (gained at 17 Constitution) or can it be further increased by the following: - Can it be raised further by wearing the Amulet of N'Tala (+50% or 100% Heal Rate, haven't found it myself so I'm not sure which)? - How much extra Heal Rate is gained from maintaining the Regenerate spell (Level 5 nature spell)? - Speed: is there a cap on this, or does it stack indefinitely (Ie. Hasten and Tempus Fugit spells, Enchanted War Boots, Dagger of Speed, etc)? - I know that Intelligence can be temporarily raised to invest character points into Tech Disciplines without having to invest in Intelligence. - Once the Intelligence boost wears off, can the learned schematics still be constructed normally? - Aside from raising the cap on learnable Tech Disciplines and number of spells maintained, does Intelligence have any other bearing on stats and gameplay (dialogue options aside)? Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks!
Don't know about the heal rate, as it's never been much of a concern to me. I don't think there is a speed cap, but then it's been some time since I used any speed enhancing spells/equipment as I find them a bit too overpowered. So I'm not of much help there. Once the intelligence boost wears off your learned schematics are not unlearned, but your expertise is lowered meaning that you generally can't use them. So no, the schematics can't be constructed normally. However, your expertise can be increased by other means but I think it's cheaper just to buy another intellect enhancing potion before using schematics instead. As for other uses of intelligence (apart from dialogue, where I think 12 is they highest check) the only thing I can think of is the 10 % boost of success rate in all other skills granted by reaching intelligence of 20.