Princess Aria

Discussion in 'Arcanum 2 Suggestion Forum' started by Whitebird, Mar 7, 2003.

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  1. Whitebird

    Whitebird New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 23, 2002
    I found it awfully peculiar that Princess Aria's body was found on the top deck of the ship. I would have thought that her body would have washed up on shore. I suppose it is possible for her to have been crushed by a falling mast or so, but it doesn't appear so. There's plenty of chest lying around Razor's point but no other people. I don't think she sailed that ship by herself or the others have been eaten by sharks or have washed away to sea. I would like to suggest in a future installment that that a character would have to take a boat(if available), or paddle a piece of wreckage to the ship to look for survivors but must past through man-eating sharks and magic squids patrolling everywhere. Then too you have to paddle back(teleport won't work). Dangerous, difficult, but fun. Tell me what you think. I imagine buying a boat and paddles at shops in town, but you would have to have a strong helper to carry it or if you carried it you would have to set it down to fight. That would take time but the advantages in crossing rivers and bays might make me take a chance or and extra helper. Also, I would like the option of financing Maxin,s airplane technology to build one for me. Then I could fly wherever I wanted to and battle the beast of the air along with some of those same characters that attacked the blimp. With an automated gun mounted, I could swoop down on Kree, and with few passes I could wipe them out. Then I would land and get my idol, knowing that wererats and others would attack me and my plane on sight. After all, Arcanum is know for technology as well as magic. And speaking of magic, imagine battling a flying mage who would have an ice spell he would cast on my wings. I should also have to have a parachute packed in my tool bag for emergency deployment. You would have to be fast , but a few well placed clicks should do it. Oh, and airplanes should be as expensive as that ship in Black Root I believe, at least $50,000. Parachutes should be at least $5000 and can be used only once. How's that?
  2. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2003
  3. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    I'd just be happy with smarter followers and the ability to give them orders.

    Although I'd like to see more towns/cities with more variations on the types of equipment you find at the shops.

    But you do have a point that Arcanum is known for technology as well as magick.. It would be kinda cool to have an airplane..
  4. Whitebird

    Whitebird New Member

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    Dec 23, 2002
    Deep and what?

    I don't think you know me well enough to say something deep or meaningful. So just keep your deep and meaningful thoughts to yourself thank you very much. This is the suggestion forum if I'm not mistaken. I you want to get personal why don't you email me? I will tell you exactly what I think of you whether it is lost on you or not. By the way, what's so deep and meaningful about Kergan's plan for Arcanum? Surely an "in-touch" individual such as yourself should know. Most deep and meaningful people I know are quite charitable, so why don't you enlighten us or forever hold your peace?
  5. Gavla

    Gavla New Member

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    Sep 24, 2002
    That's a signature, Whitebird.
  6. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    Also I would like to state that the aforementioned wow was near speechlessness at how little sense that really made, how it seemed there was almost no puntuation and how it all seemed to run together in a long stream of senslessness
  7. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    Wow...somebody's defensive. Relax man, it's a signature. It's been that user's signature as long as I've been here. (which isn't all that long, but still..)

    Why everbody want to fight? Be easy mon, climb the Ganja mountain an' go an' relax mon..

    (and that was my really bad impression of a rastafarian)
  8. Whitebird

    Whitebird New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 23, 2002
    Ok then, what is it?

    Instead of pointing out my typographical errors and the like, what is it you don't like about my proposal to the game? You have a hard time sticking to the subject matter don't you? I seem to recall after finishing the game several times that we are told about how Arcanum is constantly changing. I prefer to use magic and technology. I have also used the two together without any conflict. Also, this is a game I play for fun, to relax or sometimes get excited. How about you, when you are not teaching English grammar? Are we having fun yet? I'm trying to.
  9. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2003

    First the Aria ship thing, she could have been knocked out early on during a storm and left behind as the crew left, and the trip to the ship, wouldn't that be more of a mod to the game rather than something for Arcanum 2? As for Maxim's planes, it does seem like a good idea, but isn't that more of a flight simulator rather than an RPG? And why wouldn't you be able to use a parachute more than once? And why would it cost as whole 10% of the cost of the plane itself?
  10. Gavla

    Gavla New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 24, 2002
    Dude, there was rather a lot of punctuation in it.
  11. Zorque

    Zorque New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2003
    I said how it seemed like there was no punctuation
  12. Delkatani

    Delkatani New Member

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    Mar 28, 2003
    The Airplane thing isn't a bad idea, I liked it until you got too "in depth". I mean, I dont think there are likely to be many random encounters when flying in the air. The airplane should just take you where you want to go, instantly (like teleport). And also as an extra, it should require fuel to fly, more or less depending on the location. Having this fuel component would make it more interesting and not a total "miracle" .
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