Old version of WorldEd.exe

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by kcwong, Jan 8, 2002.

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  1. kcwong

    kcwong New Member

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    Jan 8, 2002
    First of all... Hello everybody! :smile:

    I've finished Arcanum 5 times already, but this is my second post here. Terr-Arcanum is a great site... I'll never figure out the God's quest, the maze (in which you equip items to continue to next room) and those "buttons" in Tulla without help.

    Okay, back to topic. I've been reading the WorldEd Tutorial (from the link in What's new) this morning (with my employer's time). I went home and tried to download it - but the site's gone. Perhaps it's just maintainece down time, but perhaps it's the site being discontinued/removed - which happens all the time. If that's the case, could Terra-Arcanum host a copy of the old WorldEd.exe (I'm too lazy to reinstall everything)? The new one in patch 1074 is too clumsy... compressing lots of stuff everytime you exit.

    Thanks again for this wonderful site and forum! :smile:
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