it's mentioned somewhere in the game, that there was a civilization in the void before anybody was sent there, because some one made the teleporters and the buildings, so mabey the plot could involve them trying to enter Arcanum to try and get some form of revenge or something, but mainly i just wanna know who they were! plus in Arcanum it's magical world where scince is slowly taking over, however a man at the Roseborough Inn states that he has a theory that magic and technology move in a circle of which is stronger, so I wanna see more of this, mabey magic is slowly comeing back, or is being persicuted, no magic can be cast in certain cities like Tarant or something....ahh, lost my train of thought....dang
Hmm... Nice void idea, but it also states that they died out long before the mages of the Elven Councel discovered how to banish stuff to the void. Also, magick cant begin to rise already. Vendigroth was just raised and technology is just starting to win over magick. The cycle has just turned to technology. However, I think that there should be some kind of ancient temple or something where you can find and learn some kind of ancient magick. Like the stuff Kerghan uses against you. Or how to banish stuff to the Void. Also, you should find (or buy or be given) some kind of awesome ancient technology in Vendigroth.
it doesnt have to be set 'right' at the end of the first game, it could be 50 years after or so...mabey more, plus mabey some of the creatures lived in different areas of the void, kinda like how Arcanum isnt the only land mass on the planet, just the only one we see
That WOULD work, but, in my opinion, the game should be set a year (maybe two or three... maybe even five) years after returning from the void. It should have 3 things: 1. It should be connected to the original Arcanum. There should be some similarity and a good story. 2. Your original character should be able to be imported into it. An imported character would be famous for saving all of Arcanum and everyone would like you. 3. It should show the slides at the end of Arcanum actually take place.
what!? import the character from the first game!? impossible! it breaks the very rules of the RPG sequal! Besides, what if you destroyed Arcanum? how would that work out? Man: You killed everybody....but ummm, everything is back to normal..... It wouldnt work!
I guess you are right, but maybe Troika could find a way to make it work. Maybe if you did something like that, you wouldnt be allowed to import your character.
nah see, your character cant be seen it's the law of the RPG sequl, you could meet with other characters, like the long lived Raven and Magnus, it'll be hard to work it out....probably just mention your character as a male human....or only refer to them as the liveing one
Troikia would have to make so many different versions of each town etc for that to work, and what would happen if you hadn't played the origional Arcanum. I think Arcanum 2 shjould be set 1000's of years afterwards at the same point in the cycle but the other side (magics coming back in) so whatever ending you get wouldn't change it much. The Panarii should still be there and should worship the living one (you) but say that no-one remembers him. The only person from the origional Arcanum you meet should be Geofferey who's found a way to necromize himself whilst he's dead. But he's just a spirit and cant move. He can train you in necromancy mastery though.
The best thing to do would be to set it a thousand years or so in the future and do what Fallout 2 did - use the same cities etc. but vastly different/improved (ie. NCR was Shady sands). Vendigroth could be a sprawling metropolis, and smaller places could have sprung up. As for the sequel problem, the usual thing is to take the 'good' ending and build on it. This is usually the most popular ending, and the one that leaves the most possibilities for a sequel. (Think C&C series).
Well, yes, they would have to do that, but then, you could have the option to "import Arcanum character" or "make new character" The new character would kind of follow in the Arcanum character's footsteps (and would use the same city map as in Arcanum), but the imported one would look, as they did in Arcanum.
:-? Why bother with this useless drivel of importing in your old charachter, why not just make an expansion to the game? An expansion that improves upon many of the features and well... EXPANDS on where the game left off, and if you would like to see technology fail, and magic rise again...then have the plot twist to do so. it should be all that much more simple...( I only request some fixes with the "all so wonderful" editor, I find that monster to be infuriating with all its "wonderful" bugs and so forth. (in fact how in the world did they make the game, without putting a revolver to their own heads?)
How do they know that the void was empty prior to the arrival of the MOST DESTRUCTIVE FORCES THAT ARCANUM COULD PRODUCE IN 10,000 YEARS! Besides if no one had come back until recently then how do they know that and the prescence of simple possibly even primitive creatures shows that there was life there. Nasrudin said it himself, they did'nt know what hey were doing it was just a way to kill something that wouldn't stay dead and prevent someone else from bringing them back, they had no idea what was going on
Cut it out, already. Jesus. Start your own fucking topic if you really want to talk about this. [edit later] Huh. Looks like this one's been double-dug, too. Amos, if no one responded to it the first time someone revived it, what makes you think they want to read it the second?