I know, the multiplayer part of the Arcanum is kinda buggy and unfinished, but still, according to MatchMaker's stats, there are many people (including me), who are still playing it. I have about 6 months of time left, and I was thinking about adding some fast action into the multiplayer by creating a new module for Deathmatch gameplay style. You know, few small arenas (made of, e.g. 3x3 sectors), that will cycle over time or when some frag limit is reached. Including respawnable items, teleports, "powerups", and other fancy stuff from other DM games. It could be fun, what do you think? Yes or hell No? And what about other gameplay modes, such as CTF, Last man standing, Survival, etc? Sounds good? Question for scripters: Do you think that it's even possible to implement such mode in current engine? I mean, is it possible to make a script for enabling players attacking each other, and allowing them to respawn/ressurect over time, after they get killed? What about script for map cycling and frag counting? If it's really technically possible, then with some support, we can have first playable version finished in like one week, I think, since maps will be small, at the beginning almost empty, filled with some randomly generated terrain. The scripts will be the hardest part, I think, that's why I'm unsure with the whole idea. I'll setup a fast dedicated server (100/50 Mbit) for both development/testing and playing purposes, 24/7, so there's no need to worry about it. I'll also provide (or create) any tools for those who're willing to help, if needed. :thumbup:
This could be fun. I haven't played any Arcanum online in multiplayer to imagine how this would play out.
Wouldn't scripting a respawn be as simple as making an automatic teleport to a predetermined location and implementing a simultaneous full-heal script? It could be done so that as soon as a player's heath hit zero, they were teleported and given a full compliment of health and fatigue. I think it would work well if it was implemented within the time limit between death and the game-over screen, as I've altered Virgil's white magic knowledge, allowing him to resurrect me as long as he does it right after I've died. Which is difficult, as he tries to kill something before he heals me if I've gone down. Basically, I'm saying it worked once.
I think that sounds pretty good, the only time I ever played Arcanum multiplayer was with my brother over LAN and we only had death matches (i.e. creating starting characters, buying equipment, and seeing which one would survive in a duel to the death)!
I'm pretty busy with Uni work currently, but if I have the time at any point I'll drop you a PM and we can sort something out.