Hello all, I am having a problem with the Master Dodge quest. I am playing the GOG version of the game, using Wineskin on my Mac. I am in Stillwater. My character has a 20 DEX rating, and is an Expert in Dodge. The odd thing is, I have put 5 points into the Dodge skill bar, and the red bar is not all the way full... it is just under full, like 4.98. Anyway, I talk to Adkin Chambers, and he makes his stab at me and I dodge it, and he acknowledges that I am an Expert, but says I need to improve my skill more before he will agree to train me (trigger the quest, I presume). I cannot raise my Dodge skill nor can I raise my Dexterity. Has this happened to anybody before? Any suggested fixes? Thank you!
The progress bar of each individual skill consists of 20 small steps. Each point invested increases the bar by 4 steps, meaning that five invested points fills the whole bar (5x4 equals 20). Now according to this thread you need 4,75 points (that's 19/20 of the bar filled). I'm unfamiliar with any equipment or injury which decreases your dodge skill, but I'm pretty sure there are a few backgrounds which steals a point or two, which means you will end up with 18 or 4,5 points with all points invested. Check your background. There are solutions though. The simplest would be to seek a blessing which increases dodge. See spoiler for details. Spoiler South east of Tarant there is a barbarian filled city called Kree. The coordinates are (according to GameBanshee) 636W, 1204S. In Kree there is an altar dedicated to Shakar. Offer a Bone Dagger (you can find them on Krags I think) and you'll recieve a blessing that increases your melee and dodge by 8 each. Good luck to you.