I used the number 1000 for the quest. This is in the main Arcanum module. Just want to check so that quest 1000 isnt allready used by another quest in the game. Anyone knows what number the quests in the original start at?
Praetor and his taxes is qu 1000 Gonna see if i can change the script etc to qu 1165 as that seems empty (there is one at 1164).
Now im worried script 1 and 2 i made allready exists. I wonder what number one could use for a script to be sure it isnt used yet is accepted by the engine.
Since there is 5 numbers and in scr from dat 5 the last one used is 30316tech hopbot maybe i should select a number like 81935 and go from there.
I ended up using 12921 for the script and dialog. And the next script (kill script). 12922. I think these should be unused as i cant see anything that uses it. If anyone has something they know about it let me know.
Used 1975 for the quest. Since 1165+ looks empty 1975 should be a safe quest number. As should the script numbers. I dont want to use an established script in the awesome game of Arcanum.