There are tech schematics, so why not magic ones? One in particular I'd love to see would be the cloning spell. You'd be able to summon an exact replica of an NPC for a short amount of time. You wouldn't be able to take their stuff, though, or give them anything to carry. It would be in the summoning category but it would be temporary (for obvious abuse reasons). If not temporary, then it could be made like any other summoning spell except the summoned being would have level limitations. They would be maybe 1/2 your level or you could only clone them if they were. They could gain levels as long as you kept them summoned. That's another thing: summoned creatures should stay summoned if they die and you keep the spell going unless you select otherwise. That way, you can have ongoing creatures. And maybe you could have a summoner's log, in which you could save previous summoned creatures. You can whip out a mechanized arachnid, so why not a summoned creature? Only it would cost more and more to summon the creature the higher its level, thus making it more efficient to just keep high level summons summoned, if you have the constitution for it.
Would it be like scribing scrolls in D&D? Or did you have something else in mind? I haven't really played a tech before but aren't you supposed to have a certain amount of skill in the relevant Tech Skill before you can use a found schematic? Would a magic user have to spend points on Summon (for instance) to be able to read/scribe the Clone Schematic? Or would it be based on MA?
With schematic's it gives teck characters extra teck skills we are not talking about scrolls that can only be used once to cast a spell we are talking about magic schematic that give you more magic spells.
Actually, I think Victor's ideas hit the nail on the head (whereas you seem to hit your head with a nail ). Scrolls are the magickal equivalent of schematics for the tech disciplines. As such, it would be a great idea that you could use scrolls once, as normal, but you could also scribe them to your 'spellbook' so that you learn new spells. By having scrolls of new spells that cannot be learned through normal spell colleges then it would be just like having the schematics for the technologist. You would have to have some knowledge of the magick college before you could use these learned spells though, just like you have to have knowledge of tech disciplines before you can make schematics involving those disciplines. Perhaps instead of manuals to increase your knowledge, you could buy rings that increased your magickal ability in each college. They would have a greater affect depending on your MA, so a powerful mage would have access to more of the scribed spells than a weak one would. It would also stop non-magickal characters from using powerful scribed spells to gain more power. The drawback is, that you can only wear two rings at a time, so you can't become too powerful by being good in every college at once. However, if you were a powerful mage, then it would give you access to the highest level spells.
Humbug. Humbug. Technologists have hidden schematics all over the world. A realm of possibility and mystery lies therein. Why, then, shouldn't mages have arcane spells?
Err... that's what I said. Basically, you could find rare scrolls around the world that contain custom spells, which could be scribed to your 'spell book'. It would manifest itself as an extra college of 'scribed spells'. Then, depending upon your MA and whatever rings you had equipped, you could cast different selections of those spells at different levels.
I think the whole idea of magick schematics/scribed spells is that the spells are permanent... And a way to make magick a bit more dynamic.