i think it is stupid that if you get cought doing the littlest crimes you automaticly get five guards trying to kill you. i think you should have the choice to surrender and go to jail and serve time,break out, or bribe a guard and so on.
or pay a fine? (its already been done as you describesd+ my little suggestion in elder scrolls 3: morrowind)
I don't exactly like how it was implemented in Morrowind because they somehow knew which of your items were stolen. Even if you stole them the year before in another city, they took everything away from you. That's Morrowind, though, filled with great ideas and subpar implementation. I have to agree, though, that the autoattack-on-crime is pretty stupid, and Arcanum is not the only offender. I mean, really, five guys, all armed, armored, magicked, and teched to the teeth, barge into your house to take a book. You are a gnome shopkeeper. What is your first impulse? Attack?! No, I was thinking more lie in bed trembling, just hoping they don't see me, smell me, know I'm there, that they leave soon. That or I might crawl out the window and run to the guard house. The guards would come, look at the five big dudes, be afraid, but maybe yell some. Five big dudes stand there blinking. The guard in the back runs and gets the whole regiment. They come, and then the guards yell again. Five big dudes put their hands up. Maybe. If they have two mages with fireflash, they might just take out the whole regiment. I guess, just in general, most people should be nervous when they talk to your character after he has reached a certain level. And nobody, nobody, not even wilderness orcs, is going to attack five level 40 badasses just to act tough. Unless the rapid explosion of technology in Arcanum is bringing about a spike in the suicide rate, that is.
whenever i had to pay a fine i always dumped my loot in a barrel or just on the floor somewhere nearby. since this also meant my glass armor i always paid my fines nearly naked (i had some extravagent pants on or something)
Well, why don't you check it out for yourself? http://www.elderscrolls.com http://www.rpgplanet.com/morrowind/ http://morrowind.ttlg.com/ I can tell you one thing though - it ain't at all like Arcanum. It's an RPG though.
sounds like your average, soul-sucking Rpg, is it online, and is there a price for it? I may soon be robbin my piggy of the coins in his bellah if it isn't.... can somebody give me the scoop on this game? highs/lows?
Should you decide to do every quest, visit every location and do every possible damn thing, you better stop thinking of having a social life. This game is huge. You're on a 5 square kilometer island. There are things to do and look at aplenty. Nope, it's not online. Morrowind is strictly single-player. I'd love to see the specs of having all that working well in multiplayer... Well, that depends on what kind of game you want to play. Basically, Morrowind ain't really much of a RPG. I can't say that I've found many real roleplaying elements in it, especially when compared to other games. It's more of a long, big hack & slash party, a big dungeon crawl if you like. It's great if you like to gather magical equipment and slay monsters, but if you're in for interesting dialog and noteworthy npc:s, I'm afraid Morrowind is not for you. I could explain the game further in detail, but I believe the official Morrowind forums are a far better place for that. Perhaps one day, I might just take on Morrowind again. But that will have to wait.
it is a roleplaying game, you can be good/evil and people wont like you for certain reasons, the dialogue is just underwhelming when it comes to that side of it imo. a lot of roleplaying has nothing to do with alignment and everything to do with reputation, especially when you come to a part where two different guilds have given you conflicting quests. theres enough of that kind of stuff but there really isnt any true "roleplaying" in the sense that you are playing a certain type of character because every character is capable of every skill. but trust me, its still a shitload of fun. the most visually spectacular game i've ever played, and a lot more cerebral than dungeon siege (which is garbage in my opinion).
Weren't you contradicting yourself there? Yeah, completely true, but Morrowind is still mostly hack & slash. It doesn't really matter wether you're playing an orcish barbarian or a wood elven mage, you'll end up the smame anyway - initial reactions may wary somewhat due to race, but that's basically it. The speechcraft skill is quite worthless - the only useage you have from it is to boost reactions (which is far easier achieved with a small bribe). You don't get any more dialog options, neither are those given from a high intelligence score, which really only adds more mana to your tally. So, Morrowind can't really be given the "R" in RPG by me. It's cool as a dungeon crawl. It's a great adventure game, but don't you ever make synonyms between Morrowind and roleplaying. ...I sound pretty anal now, don't I?
lol, dude, EVERY GAME EVER MADE is a "pg" its not really an adventure game... ("myst", "sam and max hit the road" and "broken sword" were adventure games in terms of the accepted fdefinition of the genre.) i guess morrowind was really more of an action rpg, (but i seriously doubt the argument that intelligence based dialogue options constitute roleplaying. thats just a result of character creationdevelopment choices, roleplaying in its truest form will always involve 3-6 people sitting around a table with a 12 pack of pepsi and some funky shaped dice, some slips of paper, and 90 dollars worth of books.) calling morrowind an action rpg puts it in the same genre as diablo 2 though, so i'm still conflicted. then again according to your argument that no matter what class you choose you still wind up with the same ending, so if we accept that theory then chrono trigger was the greatest roleplaying game ever created because it had 15 possible outcomes, and that deus ex was more of a roleplaying game than fallout 2, or ice wind dale, or all the other rpgs we've been playing for the past few years because it's ending was more gameplay-choice based. so in that sense i still think that you'd call morrowind an rpg. ultimately though, i think that rpg's on consoles/computers aret really about roleplaying, they are about creating the illusion of roleplaying because i still havent seen a game where every possible choice for a situation has been presented, so therefore you can only play a limited number of roles in the game. in that sense morrowind is a pretty damned good game because you can complete each quest in so many different ways depending on what skills you have aquired, or how observant of your surroundings you are. it simply lacks the engaging dialogue that leads you to believe that you are playing a role.
Well, I'm of the belief that character development choices should have an impact on gameplay. If I'm a big, dumb orc, I'd like to receive dialog options appropriate for one. The Morrowind dialog system, while being quite clean and easy-to-use, has an horrendous lack of that. Everyone gets the same dialog options. Every NPC says the same things. No argument on that point. But why drink the blasphemous beverage known as Pepsi when you can drink Coke? Please don't give me any ideological reasons for it, please. Completely wrong. Who the fuck called Diablo an action rpg? Diablo is an action game. RPG doesn't even get into the picture. Just because a game is fantasy it doesn't automatically become a RPG. Maybe I was incoherent. I never meant that the choice of class should affect the ending of the game, what I meant was that, apart from having a different set of skills, everyone is treated equally in Morrowind. Some people may greet you as being an orc, dunmer or whatever you're playing, I'll give you that, but apart from that it doesn't affect dialog one bit. That would be an action game with rpg elements then. It's not like Arcanum were you felt that your choice of race, gender and skills actually had an impact save what you could do in combat. Go on... ...which, I believe, has been my point all the way.
with that last point i'm just trying to point out that the parameters reuired to produce a video game negate the possiblity of any true role playing in any game, due to the limited number of choices, but some games do a good job of creating the illusion of choice etc through dialogue, so while you get the feeling that ou were able to convince person A to reveal to you who had which key to allow you to get to point 1, the same game might also give you the option of killing person B in order to obtain an identical key (think the bates manor), morrowind presents similar problems and quests etc, but the dialogue is less convoluted. For example, you might need to complete a certain task in morrowind and in order to do it you need to locate a house etc, and in order to do this you can either break in, pickpocket a key off of someone, use telekinesis to get the ket from someone, kill the person, wander the castle until you find an identical key sitting on a guard's bedside table, or convince someone to give you a key. when it comes to the convincing option thats where it becomes slightly abbreviated, the computer uses persuasion in conversations to determine whether or not they will talk to you about something (you can also bribe them i guess, but that can be expensive), imo just because it doesnt involve a convoluted dialogue tree doesnt mean this isnt roleplaying, you determine your character;s nature through character development so if you want to play a charming character then you dump points into the related stats, and ultimately it has the same result if you had put points into charm and persuasion in arcanum; the person gives you the key. as for combat, just because its real time doesnt mean its all that much of an action game, your stats still determine whether or not a hit occurred, deus ex was more action oriented in that sense because stats only affected how steady your hand was, not whether or not an attack that animated like it hit the target actually hit or not... but at the same time deus ex had much more involved dialogue... sorry abpt all the rambling... it is a pretty interesting concept though. roleplaying in a computer game... which is a program, and all programs are written with something along the lines of math being involved, and the idea that you are playing a role infers that the character would do what you'd think it would do in a certain situation, but these possibilities are limited by the equations and animations etc, of the program, so really you're just following one of manny possible paths set earlier by a programmer, which isnt really playing a role, so much as demonstrating a possibility.
I think Morrowind was lame. I never beat it b/c it was so dang boring. Run around...talk to NPCs...fed-ex items...talk to more NPCs...kill an occasional monster using the EXACT same strategy that you used to kill the every single other monster in the game. Yeah, IMHO Morrowind sucked. :thumbdown: