In Arcanum, technology is the new exciting thing....

Discussion in 'Arcanum 2 Suggestion Forum' started by Xan Emrys, May 24, 2003.

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  1. Xan Emrys

    Xan Emrys New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 24, 2003
    But what if it's reversed? It's a less original idea, but what if there was an extinct magic civilization and magic comes out claiming to be new? There would be technology everywhere, heavy technology interfering with the new magic. It's a total role reversal. It's been done before, but not on Arcanum!
    Oooh. And what about a city populated by automatons? Or by golems? What about the ancient magic civilization being populated by metal golems which explorers assumed were robots? That would be awesome! Can you imagine a race of golems? What would they do? If they mimicked their former, living masters, they could preserve magic and their civilization. One golem could create another. Heck, maybe a war between automatons and metal golems? That would be truly awesome to behold.
  2. Arconis Trava

    Arconis Trava New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 9, 2003
  3. King_Natstar

    King_Natstar New Member

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    Jun 3, 2003
    Automaton could be used in Tarant instead of Ogres as slaves they are a machine which is controlled but things like Golems could have there own city but i would not try and steal from them hehe.
    Don't listen to sexybabydrivemecrazy you are not insane its a good idea..
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