Warhammer 40k is a ridiculously cool setting, so over-the-top grimdark it's absolutely hilarious. So, if the HoL were a Space Marines chapter, what would we look like? What would be our story? Let's start with the colour scheme. We'd be black, maroon and brass: Quite! Next, which original founding chapter would we be the successor chapter of? I'd suggest Imperial Fists. We'd be the heroes of the Imperium, without being Mary Sues like the Ultramarines. We'd also be really good with bolters. Third, what would be our chapter's name?
That image doesn't load for me. I'm also afraid I don't know much about Warhammer 40K. I assume it's a bit like StarCraft, but I don't know much about that either. So I assume StarCraft is a bit like Warcraft, but I haven't played that. Nor have I played World of Warcraft, but I believe it to be like Dungeons and Dragons Online, which is based on the Eberron campaign setting, which is similar to Forgotten Realms, which is what Baldur's Gate used, and I HAVE played Baldur's Gate. So I'm guessing that Warhammer 40K is like elves and dwarves in space? If so, I expect we're all drow. Lolth be praised!
I also don't see an image, and directly viewing doesn't work either. I don't like having things in common with Smuel, makes me feel dirty. My only direct personal experience with Warhammer was Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. And it wasn't great. The chaps into the minifigs and setting up giant game spaces to play in at the game store are quite polite though, so you can put me firmly in the "meh" category.
My brother's girlfriend's father was into the miniatures so my brother was inspired to buy some and paint them. We got as far as spraying them with primer before we both came down with a nasty case of "fuck this" and never got around to actually painting them. There's a box of unassembled-but-primed 40K figurines in our parents' garage somewhere. My brother ended up marrying some other dame. Stay tuned for more cool stories from me.