How can I make a translation mod for Arcanum?

Discussion in 'Modding and Scripting Support' started by on1ondevelopment, Sep 17, 2014.

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  1. on1ondevelopment

    on1ondevelopment Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 25, 2014
    Hello, I've considered making a Swedish translation mod for Arcanum. I don't know if many Swedes are playing this game, but this is just something I want to do for experience.

    I'd prefer to keep this post short so I'm just asking a question: Is it possible to replace all dialogue text with Swedish words, or will everything mess up because the Swedish alphabet has the letters Å, Ä and Ö and the amount of text might vary?

    Basically I just want to replace all text with Swedish text, so for example when you are at the crash site and meet Virgil, he won't say "You speak! I mean, of course you speak! What am I, a blithering idiot? Wait, what did you say? Maybe I should be writing all of this down..." but instead his text will say "Du talar! Jag menar, såklart att du talar! Vad är jag, en förvirrad idiot? Vänta, vad sade du? Kanske borde jag skriva ned allt det här..." which is the same thing in Swedish.

    Is it possible to edit the dialogue file at all? That's what I want to do, just as a little side project for fun.
  2. Nataku

    Nataku Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2011
    Hello, I'm currently translating my french module to english, so I can thoroughly answer to you : I think there is no way. Not because of the difference of alphabet (this difference doesn't exist between french and english, and Arcanum can read a lot of characters), but because of the syntax of a dialogue (with seven pairs of brackets {} containing numbers and letters).
    The automatics translators mix it and make it impossible to work. You will probably have to translate the sentences one by one. But if you find a translator that do not that, I'm interested in it.
    See you :D
  3. on1ondevelopment

    on1ondevelopment Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 25, 2014
    I was actually thinking about translating every sentence one by one, as a matter of fact. Heh, I guess you could say I have that much of a life. It'll be bound to take quite some time to do this then, but thank you for responding to me and good luck with your module! I don't speak French so I'm eager to play the English version of it!
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